WTB Under monitor surge protector


Limp Gawd
Jun 15, 2001
I've been wanting to cut back on my electricity consumption at my desk. I figure this would help, although I wont have it under my monitor, but instead screwed onto the bottom of my desk so the switches are facing out. This looks very old school, but it's what I'm looking for.
If yours works, I'd rather buy that and reuse it if it has life in it than a new one. The whole point is to cut back. If you have one, and it's taking up space, and are willing to part for it for cheap (or nothing as long as I cover shipping, that would be great) then send me a pm. Thanks.
I got one.
Where is shipping to?
LMK and i can get u a shipped price and pics.
I figured there were going to be a few people who had these dinosaurs laying around.

Shipping to NYC. Thanks for the responses and whoever searched for theirs.
i have the one u posted and an ancient tandy thats pretty damn old.

great thing to have bump for u
if you're still looking, i have that exact surge protector you're looking for. lmk if you're interested via e-mail. thanks.

bump for you.