WTB: Socket a MB (supports SDRAM)

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I don't have one, but used to have an ECS K7S5A. It was a stable board that accepted both SD & DDR RAM.
icemochalatte said:
I don't have one, but used to have an ECS K7S5A. It was a stable board that accepted both SD & DDR RAM.

i'm familiar with the board, i would take one if it was offered but would prefer an a7v or something similiar.
just sent you an email.....more like a book lol

anyway i have a few very nice options for you
just sent you an email.....more like a book lol

anyway i have a few very nice options for you

you have email back.... anyone else let me know what you have.
TheCreator said:
i'm familiar with the board, i would take one if it was offered but would prefer an a7v or something similiar.

I have an a7v, not a7v133 though so it only supports 100mhz bus cpus
If a deal that I sort of have pending falls through, I'll have one for you for $30 shipped (obo), I'll post specs when I know it's for sure.
yeai posted up near the top.....we were talking about the KT7e mobo.....good sdram mobo....a lot like the kt7a kt133a board. blue PCB.....22 shipped.

yeai posted up near the top.....we were talking about the KT7e mobo.....good sdram mobo....a lot like the kt7a kt133a board. blue PCB.....22 shipped.


oh yeah i remember now.... and you have another with expanding caps right?

what is your heatware?
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