WTB: Skyrim Map

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Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2004

I'm looking to purchase the map of Skyrim that came as the pre-order bonus. Please PM me your price. Thanks.

I will also be fine with purchasing a home-made cloth version (I'd probably even pay more than I would for the official map).
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Thanks for the links, illogitech! I like the cloth map a lot but it has some flaws - a line going through the right center area that also cuts off segments of the map. It looks like a fold that messed up the source image, but the official map doesn't have a fold in that area so I don't know. I sent her a message to see if the maps actually have that line. If they do and she isn't willing to fix it, then I'll continue my search.

I would make my own fabric map since it is easy to print to fabric, but my printer can't print to such a large canvas. I imagine there are local shops that offer such services but I'll try online first.
I did a little researching and it seems the official map is canvas/paper rather than burlap. Still, that's good enough for me.


I <3 TES games. :) Scenes like this just make me nerdgasm all over:

I guess I'll give this a few more bumps then look into seeing how much a cloth one would cost from a local shop.
I <3 TES games. :) Scenes like this just make me nerdgasm all over:

Could not agree more. So many times, I've just looked at the scenery and hit f12. Probably the game with the most number of screenshots I've taken from it.
I won an auction on eBay so I'll be closing this. Thanks for the bumps. :)
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