WTB S775 Motherboard


Aug 5, 2010
I need a socket 775 board. Preferably with ich 10, p45 and coax S/PDIF.

Does anyone out there have something like this lying around in need of a new home?
I believe I have 2 with CPUs/fans cases, and even some RAM.

PM me and I can get more info.
I'll bump you too, because I too may be looking for a 775 mobo soon too! I just unearthed a Q6600 and Q6700 that aren't being used along with some DDR2 and a spare GPU..
Well, it looks like my search continues.

I've hit a few dead ends. But my resolve is firm!
Bedtime bump.


No one has an old motherboard like this lying around? Where'd they all go? The landfill?
I suspect alot got damaged pins...

I finally got ahold of a dfi infinity and the asshat shipped it without any kind of socket protection AND poorly packaged it. showed up in a smashed box and the pins damaged..
Who would have thought finding a 775 board would be so hard...they were all over the place a few years ago!
No kidding.

This is driving me nuts. I have no PC until I replac this board and I'm loosing my mind. I really have taken it for granted. All of my passwords are on my SSD. Countless other things too. Of course it's all backed up but that doesn't help me here on my phone. :mad: