WTB: P4 Waterblock + GPU Block


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2003
Looking to buy a good P4 waterblock (1/2 barbs) to go with my chilled liquid system, preferably with a non-poly top, as I cant risk cracking at really low temperatures. Also looking for a GPU block, for my 9800 Pro. Must be able to ship to Markham, Ontario (taxes and duties should be no problem with USPS, as long as the value stated on the package is under $40).

I can also do a trade, if anyone is interested in my Slk-947u with a 92mm Panaflo, or my Zalman ZM80C-HP Heatpipe cooler with the ZM-OP1 80mm Noiseless Fan.

Also looking for a Mag 3 pump, if anyone has.
I have a mag 3 pump and a swiftech MCW5002-P if you are interested I al so have a couple FDD bayres if you need a res also.lmk.