WTB: Mobo and Processor


Oct 18, 2001
K I had bought a Gigabyte 7N400-L Motherboard and a 3000+ 400mhz fsb processor with a hsf about a month ago and it hasn't arrived yet. I bought it all for $120. Supposidly the guy is in the hospital, but I can't wait forever so I need to purchase something.

I want something close to the speeds of the other stuff for hopefully around the same price.
I may be, I'm on a tight budget since I already paid for some stuff and didn't get it, so I'm kinda waiting on a price on a processor too
i have a p4c800-e deluxe and intel 2.4c returning from RMA in about a week and a half..... you probably dont want to wait that long, but they are pretty decent, and good overclockability. im asking 270 for both..... its probably out of your league given that you are on a tight budget....
AMD Athlon 2800+ Barton
Biostar M7ncd Pro nforce ulta 400 motherboard
Speeze Heat Sink and Fan
$120 shipped to your front door just let me know

shoot me a PM an IM on aim or an email if your interested
damn a couple hours earlier and I would have at least got that processor from you, but I bought everything I needed tonight thanks anyways