WTB: Looking for a computer for a friend. inexpensive...


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2008
A friend of mine asked if I could build him a computer on the cheap since he's out of work. I told him that I could probably do that, but he might be better off looking for used computers on craigslist or something since prices have dropped so much.

He was only really able to find a few P3's and P4's.

Does anyone here have an older rig collecting dust that they want to part with for not too much money? It doesn't have to be anything too special. A dual core is preferred but not required. It's going to be an internet/word processing machine... nothing more

Let me know what you have and how much you'd be looking to get for it. I don't think he needs a monitor or keyboard/mouse, just the CPU

You could build a dual-core machine with 4GB or RAM for $300...

Post this in the GenHardware section.
thanks criccio, I thought about that but he said that he didn't want to spend that much $$$. I know it's not alot of coin, but like I said, he's out of work and all so wants to keep it as inexpensive as possible.

originally I was going to throw him a machine together out of spare parts, but I'm missing some components and it really wouldn't be worth while spending $$$ to finish a build that's 10+ years old :p. Figured I'd see if anyone here has an old box laying around first before going that route.
I've got a few spare parts:

ITX mobo w/ Nvidia 7100 integrated
2 GB PC6400
E1200 @ 1.6Ghz dual core
160GB 2.5" HDD
Pico PSU

All it's missing is a case and DVD drive. PM me an offer if you want, I dunno what it would be worth to anyone.