WTB intel 6 core cpu 970, 980, 990. 560mm quad radiator.

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Limp Gawd
May 18, 2011
As the title say, i need a 6 core cpu. LGA 1366 socket type. i7 970, 980 or 990. i also need one 560mm quad radiator for my watercooling setup.

bump anyone? no one has a 6 core lga 1366 cpu for sale? or a 560 quad radiator
bump anyone? no one has a 6 core lga 1366 cpu for sale? or a 560 quad radiator

A lot of people are looking for the 1366 hex's ATM because they have dropped in price a lot. Not to mention they are still power houses! I recommend eBay, that will be your best shot. I'm hunting for some too :D.
A lot of people are looking for the 1366 hex's ATM because they have dropped in price a lot. Not to mention they are still power houses! I recommend eBay, that will be your best shot. I'm hunting for some too :D.

the prices are still over £300, i live in the UK, it may have dropped in the US, but certainly not in UK, its annoying :p
quick everyone!!! i need ANY lga1366 hex-core !!! if you got one! pm me!!!
I think there is a guy selling some here...x5670?
Out of curiosity, why not?

because they are expensive :p and not for gaming. its not designed for it. why pay 1000 pounds for something thats gonna have the same if not less performance than a 400 pound hex core that is designed for gaming.
because they are expensive :p and not for gaming. its not designed for it. why pay 1000 pounds for something thats gonna have the same if not less performance than a 400 pound hex core that is designed for gaming.

The W36X0 Xeons are identical silicon to their i7 9x0(x) counterparts. They are also the same price or cheaper then i7 cpus. WIth your motherboard (assuming you are using what is in your sig) you should strongly consider a xeon if someone offers you one for a reasonable price. All 1366 chips are based on the same designs and there is little difference between the desktop and server parts.
The W36X0 Xeons are identical silicon to their i7 9x0(x) counterparts. They are also the same price or cheaper then i7 cpus. WIth your motherboard (assuming you are using what is in your sig) you should strongly consider a xeon if someone offers you one for a reasonable price. All 1366 chips are based on the same designs and there is little difference between the desktop and server parts.

because they are expensive :p and not for gaming. its not designed for it. why pay 1000 pounds for something thats gonna have the same if not less performance than a 400 pound hex core that is designed for gaming.

I want to point out that you have the WS edition of your motherboard, so considering that, the Xeons are explicitly supported by your board. No need to disregard a cheaper option, especially if they work perfectly in your mobo.

Finding them for a bargain is the trouble. You can find L5640 or even W3670 for about the same price as a non brutalized 970, 980, 980x or 990x. Takes a bit of hunting.
okay well..if someone has a hex core xenon for a reasonable price i shall concider it. just pm me
I'm about to post an i7-980 for sale: like new condition, in box, HSF never used. (Send me a PM or look for my FS posting soon...!)
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(Bumping thread but your PM-reply said you have no money to buy one right now...????) :confused:

Anyway, good luck with your search xivlia!
(Bumping thread but your PM-reply said you have no money to buy one right now...????) :confused:

Anyway, good luck with your search xivlia!

no, im bumping and seing if people can hold it for me... you cant hold it as others have pmed you right? so yeah :\. i got a confirmation from my student loan and bursary company saying they will give me my money within 3 weeks.... so if anyone is willing to sell their cpu and willing to reserve it for me for a few weeks good :)
loooking to buy any lga1366 i7 6 core cpu right NOW, got my money...... PM MEEEE
You saying xenon reminds me of my Xbox modding days and free bump for you
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