WTB - Hardware -> HDD, Socket A Proc, Video Card, HSF


Mar 13, 2005
Looking for a few item's to help a friend build his first computer system before he goes to college. Items needed are as followed, and an "around" price that I'm looking for to fit his budget...

Hard Drive -> Looking for 80-120gb 7200rpm 8mb cache drive. ATA100 or ATA133. Looking to spend around $50-$60 here.

Video Card -> Radeon 9800 pro or something similar. AGP and around $80-$100.

Give me some offers people! PMs or email preffered. Thanks. Please bump if you look. :)
email: [email protected]
heat: Oh4Sh0
ebay: furious02

edit: Found a Processor/HSF.. keep the Vid card and hard drive pms coming!
ive got a few heatsinks here...i have a spire microflow i im willing to sell for 10 plus shipping (from canada here)....let me know
I would really like to buy the hsf after getting the processor due to the possibility of buying the items together. bump.