WTB: gtx280

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Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2009
I have one, but I'd like to throw in a second (or even two more if someone has two that they'd like to sell as a package deal... there was a pair up yesterday that I was too late to snag).

I'm in the Washington, DC area and willing to pick it up if you're nearby.
you may be pushing that psu, especially if you're considering "two more" :)
you may be pushing that psu, especially if you're considering "two more" :)

Yeah, I did a power calculation, one more has plenty of headroom (about 60% at full load), 2 more would be tight... but still only about 80%.
At 80% it may work however, don't consider overclocking at that point. Once you're talking 80% (of any PSU), you have to start thinking about PSU efficiency. Corsair is a good brand though.

oh....bump 4 u
Yeah, I did the PSU calculation with the overclock factored in (I think)... With my mobo and PSU, I would hope that the voltage wobble would be minimal...

All the reviews of the 850HX seemed to state that it was rock solid.
still looking for a gtx280... any of you recent Eyefinity converts have one laying around?
I would say you can do better than $220, but then I see it's a GTX 285. Shouldn't have to read and click that much to figure it out.
I didn't think that I could SLI my 280 with a 285... has anyone done that?

O, hell. sorry Didn't look at the original post that you had one already. I don't think you can. maybe by flashing the bios of the GTX 285 to match the GTX 280. not sure
O, hell. sorry Didn't look at the original post that you had one already. I don't think you can. maybe by flashing the bios of the GTX 285 to match the GTX 280. not sure

yeah, kind of a waste of a 285 if I flash it to match the 280, heh

I wish that I had held out on buying my 280 until after the 285's came out, but since power and heat aren't too much of an issue in my case, its not all bad.
I didn't think that I could SLI my 280 with a 285... has anyone done that?

No, you can't do this. I scored a 285 for cheap a while back and already had a 280 in my rig. I made a thread asking that same question and figured out that both cards have different voltage controllers and requirements, so different BIOS's on either won't work. I just sold my 280 and got a 285 here on the FS forum for not much more (I think I sold my 280 for $180 and for a 285 for around $220, so not much more).

Bump for looking and GL.
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