WTB: GTX 260 core 216 or HD4870 1GB

Mad Lion

Mar 14, 2011
My brother is lacking in extra funds. He was just hit with some unexpected medical bills as he was getting ready to upgrade his video card and possibly even entire system... alas, life is a bitch and he had to spend that money on the damn hospital and insurance.

Anyway, he's got a Core2Duo, 3GB of DDR2, and a 4850. He plays a lot of WoW, and although it ran ok before on his CRT, when he got a new 1080p monitor, that old card is having some trouble, especially at higher settings.

I found a GTX 260 for 60 shipped on another forum. I told him I'd buy it for him (he'd pay me back) and we could find a buyer for his 4850 at some point. He figured, 60 dollars and at least 20 for the 4850 and it's a cheap upgrade that should let him run max settings at his resolution.

The 260 was a recent refurb that the guy just got back from EVGA. He shipped it out to us without testing it... (should have asked!). As you can guess, it's DOA. Artifacts galore even in the BIOS. He's got a 600 watt PSU, and we tried both DVI ports. Reseated the card; no dice.

The guy agreed to accept the card back and issue a refund. So my bro's still out 10 bux, but at least he's not out the full 60.


This is where you come in! If you have a GTX 260 core 216 or an HD4870 1GB lying around, and would like to help a poor gamer out... let me know! 50 dollars + shipping is the max we can offer, and of course, it must be tested WORKING before shipped; he doesn't want to get burned again!


Thanks for looking!