WTB: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)

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Oct 16, 2003
Hey, looking to purchase an Aqua Computer Full Metal Jacket for my Eheim pump. Let me know what you guys have, or if you know a place online to get it where it wont take 6 months to arrive.
bump because i also thought it was Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.
bump because I thought he was looking to buy some surplus ammunition. ;)
Go here to Sharka Corp and find their phone number and call them now. They can add your stuff onto my order that is imminently being shipped out of IT-Trade to Sharka. :D You might try e-mail as well, though they do not as yet have the A-C stuff up on their website.
"What is your major malfunction numb nuts? You had best unfuck yourself..."

LOL... classic dialogue.

where are you from private? ....texas?! only steers and queers come from texas and u dont much look like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down! hahah i love that movie so much ......5'9"? i didnt kno they stacked shit that high
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

My boot camp DIs had the movie memorized and plaques on the walls with quotes...
free bump!

I always laughed in StarCraft whenever you clicked on the siege tank too much and he said "What is your major malfunction?!?"

kind of interesting how the movie is still fitting, even in today's society.
Sharka Corp has the Aqua Computer FMJ's in stock for the Aquastream and Eheim 1046. They can special order you the FMJ for the 1048 if it didn't come in this weeks shipment from A-C. :)
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