WTB: 939 AGP board

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L0s7 4 Lyf3

Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2004
Ok here's the deal. I need a board that WILL support a 939 x2 processor out of the box.

12/7/09 bought one off an ebay seller, worked for a week. RMA'd, no response, took a month to get money back.

Last week bought another board from a forum member, in a thread that asked for a 939 x2 agp mobo. Sent me a 939 agp board with a bios that DOESN'T support x2. Worked, but only ran with 1core, had unknown cpuid. Bios flash failed, of course. fml

I have an x2 laying around, I just need a board to be able to play ME2. That's the ONLY reason I've been trying to do this. Took forever to get 2nd board, and it's felt like an eternity. I want this board in my hands this week.

If the board won't boot with an x2 and function with both cores out of the box without me having do do anything, don't waste my time, effort, or money. I'm at the end of my rope right now, frankly. All I want is to play ME2. I've been trying for a couple months to no avail. This is ridiculous. If you have something please ensure that it is functional and has a bios that supports x2. Contact by PM please.
I have two Asus A8V deluxes that will probably be available soon. I'll be in touch.
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