WTB 750i sli bridge

Jul 13, 2006
I bought an Evga 750i ftw from Evga's B stock. These do not come with accessories so that means no sli connector.

I would like to buy this connector, specifically I would like it to be a stiff black pcb 2 way sli connector. I measured the distance between the cards and its about 2.25 inches between centers (or about 57.15mm).

If you have this connector specifically for the Evga or similar, I would be willing to pay a $10 USD to have it shipped to 57006.

Eureka! (finishing the quote for your name from old TV show I watched as a kid.)

Bump. I would think all SLI connectors are the same aren't they?
Hi 474545b,

Sli bridge connectors are not all the same. There are of varying length that can be different colors, flexible or a stiff pcb as well. I want a stiff pcb for the added rigidity it offers, and I think it looks better too.

The evga 750i ftw motherboard has a somewhat unique spacing between pcie slots so a regular double spaced sli bridge will be too long, and a regular single sli bridge will be too short.

Most of the 750i motherboards from evga, xfx and I think msi have similar spacing.

Oh, and bump.
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I have a triple sli adapter from an evga x58 le board. it's yours for shipping. looks just like this