well i some money left over on paypal, so i wanted to just use that. thanks for the help tho!
I have a mediastor 52x24x52 ifyou're interested. I'd do $5 + shipping and I'll ship first since you seem to be an established trader. I put this in my dad's comp for a couple weeks and then upgraded to a cd-rw/dvd drive soon after and he didn't say there were any problems. But when i was searchin for its speed online, i came across some bad reviews sayin that it has burning problems and such. IM me on badbadtz560 if you're interested.
LMK if you are still looking ..... I have a DELL black CDR ( almost new ) which I can let go for $ 20 + shipping:)
badbadtz560, oh man that is an awesome price, but after reading on mediastor, i rather get something a bit more reliable. thanks for the offer tho!

lawaris, does it say DELL on it? if not, im interested.