[WSUS] move wsuscontent location to NAS


Mar 11, 2019
Could somebody tell me how to move the wsuscontent directory to a UNC location?

i have tried:

wsusutil.exe movecontent "\\NAS\SHARE\Folder" \\NAS\SHARE\Wsus.log

i have created the folder first. I have turn on guest access (full control) to this share.

It doesn't tell what goes wrong it just tells me something went wrong and then it shows me the correct command (which i use) and the options like -skipcopy, which i also tried to add.
If it's a small environment, I would just delete the WSUS data and turn it off.

I've seen it cause a lot of overhead on the server running WSUS for very little benefit.
Especially with cheap broadband these days.

Had several customers where I dumped WSUS and they said the server got faster.

I don't use wsus either at any of my sites. Once we were able to get 1gb internet connections it stopped being useful. The only reason I could see wanting to go back to wsus, is if I wanted to microcontrol exactly what updates are being installed and what are being blocked. Luckily for what I have to deal with, we just install all windows updates for the most part.
the ONLY benefit is that you can pull updates that break things. we have a large amount of legacy apps (government) and the ability to keep our crap working when a patch breaks something is required. IF that is not something you need, for god sakes dump WSUS.