WoW vs. FFXI


Aug 12, 2004
My question to you though is if i was a huge fan of FFXI will i like WOW or will it be drastically different in terms of gameplay.
I really liked the crafting system and general community feel of FFXI? Anyone know if WOW is similar at all?
WoW is awesome, I played FF for a few days and vowed never to return. I think you will be extremely please by going with WoW. The crafting system is very nice, and the game has A LOT of depth for something that is just releasing.

Of all the MMORPGs I've played, WoW is by far the most fun, and so unbelieveably ready for release.
WoW and FFXI is totally different games:

FFXI more like Hardcore MMO (lots of xp grinding and endless hours of exploring) @ lvl 15, you required to group w/ other 5 ppl to get maximum xp per hour.

WoW is more friendly MMO, if you like to lvl cap in 2 months, you can. you are not obliged to group if you dont want to and the only time you group w/ ppl is when you go Raid or something like that.. more of casual MMO

idk if you gonna like WoW that's your own judgement.. i would say give WoW a try and decide if you like it or not.. i cant tell you would like it, because we all have different opinion and likes. i say give it a try and decide. i'm still playing FFXI right now and i bought EQ2, but my damn DVD rom aint working so i cant play the EQ2 or even install it.. i was just gonna try it, but i have to wait till i have a new DVD rom. Good luck!
Betauser said:
WoW and FFXI is totally different games:

FFXI more like Hardcore MMO (lots of xp grinding and endless hours of exploring) @ lvl 15, you required to group w/ other 5 ppl to get maximum xp per hour.

WoW is more friendly MMO, if you like to lvl cap in 2 months, you can. you are not obliged to group if you dont want to and the only time you group w/ ppl is when you go Raid or something like that.. more of casual MMO

idk if you gonna like WoW that's your own judgement.. i would say give WoW a try and decide if you like it or not.. i cant tell you would like it, because we all have different opinion and likes. i say give it a try and decide. i'm still playing FFXI right now and i bought EQ2, but my damn DVD rom aint working so i cant play the EQ2 or even install it.. i was just gonna try it, but i have to wait till i have a new DVD rom. Good luck!
I agree with this post about the differences in FFXI and WoW.

I played FFXI to about lvl 65 and then quit because it was taking too much of my time. I also played the WoW beta for a bit (maybe 10 hours over the beta period) while some of my friends played the beta about 16 hours a day. All of them, who leveled with me in FFXI and further than me (they had a 65 and another job at 70), are buying WoW when it comes out. They all played DAOC before FFXI, so they have more roots than I do in MMO's, but I really didn't like WoW all that much. I'm one of the few not playing though, because I know 6 other people that are going to play WoW when it's released.
I think the nicest feature of WoW is that you don't have to just level grind. I have a friend who loves fishing. He will spend hours and hours just fishing. Now, that's not particularly my cup of tea (I prefer sewing), but the point is that you can do what you want. The scenery is totally beautiful, so just exploring is quite fun for me. There are just a lot of things one can do.
toga said:
I think the nicest feature of WoW is that you don't have to just level grind. I have a friend who loves fishing. He will spend hours and hours just fishing. Now, that's not particularly my cup of tea (I prefer sewing), but the point is that you can do what you want. The scenery is totally beautiful, so just exploring is quite fun for me. There are just a lot of things one can do.
That reminds me of something from Beta. In the early stages, you get a lot of your xp from questing rather than killing. That was a welcome change from FFXI. In FFXI there are maybe 3 quests that can directly get you xp, and they aren't too much fun. Also, whenever I found a new area I got xp, I was definitely down with that.
I just hope Blizzard crack's down on all cheaters and what not. I'm sure they will since we will be payng a Monthly Fee.

But, you never know w/ Blizz.
I love WoW and will most definately be getting it tommorrow. I dislike the grinding MMOs. In WoW, the quests are the goal and leveling seems almost like a bonus or reward rather than the final objective. The Tower of Althalaxx quests are incredibly cool. Never have I wanted to do the next quest just because I was really interested in how the story would progress.
I'm a big FF fan although I'm staying away from XI but I will be picking up WoW as soon as possible. :)
I've got to say FFXI was the 2nd most enjoyable MMORPG i've ever played, and i've played them ALL (at least all those that were accessible by NA)... but to some of you, that might be a negative since i thought EQ was the most enjoyable MMORPG so far.

But WoW was fun too... unfortunately, i only played the early beta back like 6 months ago, and only for about 3 weeks, so i can't really say what the community is like... but i can tell you in FFXI, it WAS good, and that was what kept me playing for so long as it did (my static PT to be exact).
BlackCoffee said:
I just hope Blizzard crack's down on all cheaters and what not. I'm sure they will since we will be payng a Monthly Fee.

But, you never know w/ Blizz.
I don't think they'll be able to do much. I've read about some of the bots that people used in ffxi, and the stuff you can do with them is crazy. People mostly made fishing bots because fishing was very profitable in FFXI. There were people making over 100K G per day per bot. That is insane, I was broke as hell and almost wished I had another account to bot with. The bots are pretty smart, they can respond with a number of messages if they're PMed and they can navigate to refill on bait or w/e and they can fix fishing rods if they break etc.
Well i dunno about FF but I did play the SP ones and ive also played the WoW open beta. I have to say that WoW is just kickass. Ive never played a MMORPG before but this just gelt to natural it was awesome.

I really WANT to pick it up tonite but then im thinking of the coming weeks with finals.... Im scared of what will happen in WoW gets in the way lo. It is so addicting its insane. It did wear off towards the end of the test but i dunno if that was just the game or due to the fact that i knew it was ending and playing more was useless since the characters were going to be wiped. I remember when i first started though it was like every hour i wasnt playing (which were few) i was WISHING i was playing. Thinking of where i needed to go, who i needed to talk to....

Basically I dont think you CAN be disssapointed with WoW. Period.
Self-Control is your friend, my good man, there's nothing wrong with not buying a game if you think that you're going to be too tempted to play it. Then again, you might end up thinking "Oh man I really wish I had WoW right now." while you're studying so...

Maybe you can get it, and play it during study breaks? That's what I plan to do. :p
Eej said:
Self-Control is your friend, my good man, there's nothing wrong with not buying a game if you think that you're going to be too tempted to play it. Then again, you might end up thinking "Oh man I really wish I had WoW right now." while you're studying so...

Maybe you can get it, and play it during study breaks? That's what I plan to do. :p
We'll see how well that works :p It'll be more like studying during your playing breaks, which cuts into your sleep time.