wow Gigabyte is bad at RMAs, I am pissed


May 21, 2010
I sent off my ga-p55m-ud4 it had a burnt socket (typical early foxconn socket)

well they replaced the socket and set it back to me, it took 3 weeks but what ever...
just got it 5 mins ago and it is missing the heatsync on the VRMs !!!

WTF what is the matter with you guysat Gigabyte? do you all smoke crack before you go into work?

this is horse crap... I am not paying to ship this board back again

they need to deal with this
I understand you are pissed but mistakes happen. Have you contacted Gigabyte and explained the situation to them? You may be surprised how they handle it. They may just send you the part you need.
I once had an Asus board come back without anything but SMD components soldered to it :D.
I understand you are pissed but mistakes happen. Have you contacted Gigabyte and explained the situation to them? You may be surprised how they handle it. They may just send you the part you need.

on the line with them now, the rep is acting like I am full of monkey dung... this really sucks I had a buyer for the board lined up
he is trying to get it out to me, said sorry, blah blah blah... even though I know its an honest mistake I am still beyond pissed... :mad:
I'd be pissed too. It probably doesn't deserve a rant on the subject though.
They all do stuff like that from time to time. Asus sent me back boards that was so warped up you could sit fruit on it and spin it at the eating table.................

Glad they are going to send you one out though. Let us know how it turns out.
I would give them a chance to sort it out first before posting here, while on the phone with their support team ::shrug::
Was helping a friend build a new system just yesterday. Unboxed the GA-X58A-UD3R mobo, a nice one that I've used before, and one corner was bent at like a 45 degree angle with all the wiring severed. Shit happens but damn what did they do, drive a truck over it? lol
Was helping a friend build a new system just yesterday. Unboxed the GA-X58A-UD3R mobo, a nice one that I've used before, and one corner was bent at like a 45 degree angle with all the wiring severed. Shit happens but damn what did they do, drive a truck over it? lol

The damage probably occurred after it left the factory.
Mistakes are a sign of a shitty company. QC is there to not have mistakes, so I'd be pretty damn pissed too. Funny who comes out of the woodwork when you start bitching about Gigabyte, pretty damn fishy.
Mistakes are a sign of a shitty company. QC is there to not have mistakes, so I'd be pretty damn pissed too. Funny who comes out of the woodwork when you start bitching about Gigabyte, pretty damn fishy.

thank you
Mistakes are a sign of a shitty company. QC is there to not have mistakes, so I'd be pretty damn pissed too. Funny who comes out of the woodwork when you start bitching about Gigabyte, pretty damn fishy.

All companies make mistakes. No Exceptions. :eek:
yes but this sucks that it was my first time RMA'ing with Giga

Most rma's from mobo makers suck in one way or another. When I did an rma for my asus a8n-e the lady I talked to treated me like crap, I got a working mobo back in about 2 1/2 weeks but it wasn't very nice calling asus.

My antec smartpower had leaking caps and they were pretty nice over the phone I will remember that instead of my leaking caps.
My video card arrived back from gigabyte twice without any work done, and it still kept artifacting/bsoding on me. Switched to a GTX460 from evga and never will ever buy or reccomend Gigabyte to anyone again. Sent them a nice email informing them about the "stellar" customer service as well. Gigabyte can rot in hell.