Wow forums / site super slow?


Oct 11, 2001
Was kinda bored I wanted to go read the nerf shammy posts for a laugh but the shit wont load :mad: Just me or is blizzard on a roll with all the lag and load issues???
It's 'cause everyone is checking on the Brion thread. Or maybe the servers just got briowned. :eek:
NitrouseXpress60 said:
i thought the [H] rules state we can't talk about other forums... ;)
Bah! This Brion thing is total "pwnination" going on, I like it, even if it's a link to another forum. It's been about for a little bit, but still funny. I think we have the next "Leeroy Jenkins" going on :)

Already going on! :D

(Wanna talk about rules? Sig limit: 10 lines ;) )

The WoW forums always seem a little sluggish, but seem to be back to normal (for me) now.