WoW 1.5 + Battlegrounds Arrives!

CTF is 10 man (It's in Ashenvale I think -- for alliance)

The battleground in Alterac Mountains is 40 vs 40
can someone post some pics of the fitghts there. I have the game i just don't know if i shoud get back into for battlegrounds. Is there tanks and stuff yet
Im happy with it. But the battlegrounds are impossible to get into @ lvl 21-30. The alliance at that level are pusses.
Ron1jed said:
can someone post some pics of the fitghts there. I have the game i just don't know if i shoud get back into for battlegrounds. Is there tanks and stuff yet

Why would there be tanks?
Seige weapons are on the horizon, so none of them yet. The 10-man ctf is a joke for alliance. The horde are always more organized and about half their team are cookie-cutter UD mages who run around and AOE. Alterac, however, is pretty damn awesome. All in all, great patch :D
D1sc1pl3 0f Mal1c3 said:
Seige weapons are on the horizon, so none of them yet. The 10-man ctf is a joke for alliance. The horde are always more organized and about half their team are cookie-cutter UD mages who run around and AOE. Alterac, however, is pretty damn awesome. All in all, great patch :D

5-10 man AoE groups are just nucking futz. Especially when they charge in, AoE. and then blink out. Rinse repeat....get major CP. Remember one time when a group of about 11 UD mages were in TM. A group of about 60 alliance were seiging pretty well. In about 15 seconds...they were ALL dead. After that, the alliance did it again...but didn't pack themselves so tightly together :p

Yeah, Alliance has no chance. 5 games, we lost all 5. Most of the time it was low 40 alliance against high 40 horde. Not to mention Tauren Shaman would just earthbind and then beat the crap out of us. If we ever get away, priests and mages would just come and own us (UD of course so we couldn't fear them).
Ron1jed said:
can someone post some pics of the fitghts there. I have the game i just don't know if i shoud get back into for battlegrounds. Is there tanks and stuff yet

Iread that NE warrior use Shadowmeld and wait for rogues to gank the casters then crush the rogues. I guess that's tanking for the casters.
I cant. im on daggerspine and cant log as well, it crashed in the middle of Scarlet Monestary for me too.
blizzard says itlll be up soon
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
So far I've played twice with the same team and it's been 10v10.
I was on a team in Warsong Gulch with 11. I think they let somebody in because Horde got two scores in the first 5 minutes and we didn't score at all.
shadowbreaker513 said:
I was on a team in Warsong Gulch with 11. I think they let somebody in because Horde got two scores in the first 5 minutes and we didn't score at all.
That's really not too surprising. Out of 5 Warsong Gulch games I played, Alliance went scoreless twice, and only scored 1 the other times. I think the last game I played there lasted like 50 minutes though!
I think as of 10:30 last night, the Alliance 41-50 had yet to win a single game. All those were 48-50, all alliance were 41-45. Also the horde would just get two shammys back there with stacking earthbind totems. We never stood a chance.
if you play a char that can aoe spam all day then maybe its fun for you, otherwise if your a non-spellcasting non-aoe class it's all yawns
Techx said:
if you play a char that can aoe spam all day then maybe its fun for you, otherwise if your a non-spellcasting non-aoe class it's all yawns

I have fun as a rogue.

I got 7001 hp yesterday for 66 kills.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
I have fun as a rogue.

I got 7001 hp yesterday for 66 kills.
Yeah, I noticed my honor points were really high for the number of HKs I had... 247 HKs, 16607 Honor Points. If everyone's hitting these kinda marks, it'll be interesting to see who gets up to what rank next week.
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
I have fun as a rogue.

I got 7001 hp yesterday for 66 kills.

If you're idea of fun is two-shotting a mage or priest then getting pummeled by the 10 nearest people, then yea mass-pvp is fun as a rogue.
the@ntipop said:
If you're idea of fun is two-shotting a mage or priest then getting pummeled by the 10 nearest people, then yea mass-pvp is fun as a rogue.
This does happen a lot.
the@ntipop said:
If you're idea of fun is two-shotting a mage or priest then getting pummeled by the 10 nearest people, then yea mass-pvp is fun as a rogue.

LOL the only time I ever see rogues is when im by myself and theres 3 of them. 3 rogues versus 1 druid = insta-death
god i hate rogues. Worst class to play against when they go invis on you, but once they are DOT, they are always so dead.