Would I notice a difference going form a X800Pro to a X800XTpe ?


Jan 19, 2002
You can look at my sig for my current rig, and my brother would like to buy my X800Pro off me for $300, I paid $399 for it, and I can get a X800XTpe for $499, would it be worth it to sell my Pro, and spend a few more buck$ and get the XTpe, would I notice a difference in games like HalfLife2, etc.. ?

either card you will be running at highest settings anyways, its the ogl games where the pro will have issues at high settings. Just keep it, another 150 bucks out of your pocket can go to a future upgrade or more ram....
Labrador said:
You can look at my sig for my current rig, and my brother would like to buy my X800Pro off me for $300, I paid $399 for it, and I can get a X800XTpe for $499, would it be worth it to sell my Pro, and spend a few more buck$ and get the XTpe, would I notice a difference in games like HalfLife2, etc.. ?


I have an x800 xt at PE speeds...it's definitely the schiznit...much faster than my friend with his X800Pro.

That being said...you only THINK you can get an XT PE for $499. You cant really get it for that price...no one offering that price has it in stock. (Hence, why I have an X800XT)
rancor said:
either card you will be running at highest settings anyways, its the ogl games where the pro will have issues at high settings. Just keep it, another 150 bucks out of your pocket can go to a future upgrade or more ram....

more memory >? I have heard the [H]ardcore gamers are going with 2gb today ? Now adays 1gb is almost standard if your a gamer, but does the 2gb make a difference in games ?
BBA said:
I have an x800 xt at PE speeds...it's definitely the schiznit...much faster than my friend with his X800Pro.

That being said...you only THINK you can get an XT PE for $499. You cant really get it for that price...no one offering that price has it in stock. (Hence, why I have an X800XT)

I have heard BestBuy has them in their shipping centers, just NOT in stores, you have to order it throught a "Customer Fullfillment" in the special order department of BB, and... well dont wnt to give too much away, or you guys will take my card
rancor said:
oh yeah Doom 3, Far Cry eat up memory like crazy :) specially Doom 3

whats a good brand of 1gb sticks of memory ? And for my motherboard, whats a good speed to buy ? DDR400 or is there DDR500 in 1gb sticks to future prrof for the Athlon64 ?
ouch 1 gig at those speeds gets expensive like 300 bucks, lol

but I prefer corsair xms, but have used shit lines too I don't see much of a difference between ram's, check Curicit city in your area, they had Kingston 400 mhz for half off a little while go.
For RAM get Corsair but only the XMS Series of Corsair believe me, all gamers know that you cant beat Corsair RAM. Go to newegg for it, and if ur gettin a 64 bit processor go with an ASUS motherboard, either the KV8 (Socket 754) or the AV8 (for socket 939 which is SO much better then socket 754). :D
SmUtTnY said:
For RAM get Corsair but only the XMS Series of Corsair believe me, all gamers know that you cant beat Corsair RAM. Go to newegg for it, and if ur gettin a 64 bit processor go with an ASUS motherboard, either the KV8 (Socket 754) or the AV8 (for socket 939 which is SO much better then socket 754). :D

thanks for the reply :) I already have the Athlon64 it is the main rig in my sig, so you say the Corsair of 2gb memory would be more noticable of an upgrade than the XTpe ?
Labrador how much RAM do you have already. Im not braggin or anythin but i have a gaming rig that makes DOOM 3 like gameboy, and i only need 1GB of Corsair XMS, when the time comes ill upgrade but that wont be for a while with my FX-53 processor and my two Western Digital Raptor 10,000 RPM hard drives in striped RAID. Not to forget the other two 250GB hard drives i have as backup in another RAID function. Also my X800XT Platinum Edition. Now if you've got a system faster then mine (which i doubt then you shud go for 2 GB..........I think i just bragged oooops. :D
I hope that helped even more. But i think the X800XT PE would help more then the RAM if you have 1GB.
SmUtTnY said:
Labrador how much RAM do you have already. Im not braggin or anythin but i have a gaming rig that makes DOOM 3 like gameboy, and i only need 1GB of Corsair XMS, when the time comes ill upgrade but that wont be for a while with my FX-53 processor and my two Western Digital Raptor 10,000 RPM hard drives in striped RAID. Not to forget the other two 250GB hard drives i have as backup in another RAID function. Also my X800XT Platinum Edition. Now if you've got a system faster then mine (which i doubt then you shud go for 2 GB..........I think i just bragged oooops. :D

SmUtTnY you can check out my mian rig in the left column of my sig, it's not too shabby :) Would 2gb of memory or the XTpe be more noticable of a difference in games >
Those are actually pretty good systems dude, i like the ABIT IC7 real reliable but im an ASUS man myself. That 6800 Ultra can go far though. But know that ive seen how much RAM you have i would replace that 333 that you have and go for two sticks of 512 DDR400. Her ill send you a link for a real good set
"oh yeah Doom 3, Far Cry eat up memory like crazy specially Doom 3"

nonononono doom 3 does not make a diff going from 512 to gig.... there are benchmarks out there that proves this... 512vs 1gig ram is only half a frame apart..
why not put the 6800 ultra in that amd64 rig, will preform about the smae as a x800xtpe and u already have it,if not that jujst keep the x800pro and spend the money on something else
SmUtTnY said:
Those are actually pretty good systems dude, i like the ABIT IC7 real reliable but im an ASUS man myself. That 6800 Ultra can go far though. But know that ive seen how much RAM you have i would replace that 333 that you have and go for two sticks of 512 DDR400. Her ill send you a link for a real good set

thanks for the link :) But if I upgrade memory, I might as well upgrade the main Athlon64 rig, then just put that 1gb from there into the 2nd IC7 rig ?
SmUtTnY said:
For RAM get Corsair but only the XMS Series of Corsair believe me, all gamers know that you cant beat Corsair RAM. Go to newegg for it, and if ur gettin a 64 bit processor go with an ASUS motherboard, either the KV8 (Socket 754) or the AV8 (for socket 939 which is SO much better then socket 754). :D

You must be old school. Corsair is great for DDR2 but OCZ rules DDR and Crucial comes in a close second. Speaking about the high end models of course. I believe that the OCZ 3700EB was the best memory ever for AMD systems and they sell for about $400+ for 2x512mb if you can find them. Also the Plat. Rev. 2 are a close second. Go read the reviews at anandtech and you'll see.

1 gig sticks are slower and costly. Not sure why you would need more than a gig for gaming.
i think that you'd notice a difference between the pro and XT in the very high end settings, that is 6xAA at 1600x1200 and etc.

if you're using any current generation card and running anything at less than 1280x1024 you are not using you card at all.
Labrador said:
You can look at my sig for my current rig, and my brother would like to buy my X800Pro off me for $300, I paid $399 for it, and I can get a X800XTpe for $499, would it be worth it to sell my Pro, and spend a few more buck$ and get the XTpe, would I notice a difference in games like HalfLife2, etc.. ?


Well since you seem to have a 6800U, might as well round it off and get yourself a PE in your other system :) Yes you will notice a sizeable difference in performance between the two cards especially when using AA/AF at 1280x1024 or above.
aZn_plyR said:
"oh yeah Doom 3, Far Cry eat up memory like crazy specially Doom 3"

nonononono doom 3 does not make a diff going from 512 to gig.... there are benchmarks out there that proves this... 512vs 1gig ram is only half a frame apart..

The fps are unaffected, but the real-world playability is MUCH better with 1Gb - less stuttering/caching etc. I wouldn't like to play Doom 3 on a 512Mb system.
mulpsmebeauty said:
The fps are unaffected, but the real-world playability is MUCH better with 1Gb - less stuttering/caching etc. I wouldn't like to play Doom 3 on a 512Mb system.

Doom3 runs smooth on my 512 MB RDRAM system? :)

I have to disagree with almost everyone here. First ask yourself this question, was your computer fast enough for you when using the X800pro? Probably yes, but what you were really asking is there going to be a big difference in performance X800pro v.s XT PE? The answer is definately yes!. I would definately spend the extra $$ on the card instead of more memory. You will see a much bigger performance boost. Again more memory will be overkill, get the fastes card available for the biggest performace available.
SocketA said:
I have to disagree with almost everyone here. First ask yourself this question, was your computer fast enough for you when using the X800pro? Probably yes, but what you were really asking is there going to be a big difference in performance X800pro v.s XT PE? The answer is definately yes!. I would definately spend the extra $$ on the card instead of more memory. You will see a much bigger performance boost. Again more memory will be overkill, get the fastes card available for the biggest performace available.

The reason I want to upgrade to the XTpe is for two reasons;

First off it would only cost me $200, because my bro would buy my current card, and second I notice that CounterStrike:Source can be choppy at 1600res maxxed setting 4xAA/8xAF, maybe the new card would make it smoother ?
Before I flashed my X800 pro vivo to X800 XT PE speeds and pipes, I tested awhile gaming and benchmarking to make sure it was solid. My monitor only does 1280x1024, and at those settings (with lots of AA and AF) I couldn't tell much difference between the Pro and XT while gaming. Of course, I only have an Northwood at 3.2, which is slower than your processor, so maybe it would be different for you.
As for 2 gigs of memory, that's complete overkill for gaming. I'd like to see a benchmark of any game that ran better with 2 gigs of RAM.
Jonsey said:
Before I flashed my X800 pro vivo to X800 XT PE speeds and pipes, I tested awhile gaming and benchmarking to make sure it was solid. My monitor only does 1280x1024, and at those settings (with lots of AA and AF) I couldn't tell much difference between the Pro and XT while gaming. Of course, I only have an Northwood at 3.2, which is slower than your processor, so maybe it would be different for you.
As for 2 gigs of memory, that's complete overkill for gaming. I'd like to see a benchmark of any game that ran better with 2 gigs of RAM.

2 gigs is def overkill...But it would be great for future purposes also I guess...
*As for 2 gigs of memory, that's complete overkill for gaming. I'd like to see a benchmark of any game that ran better with 2 gigs of RAM.*

It doesn't benchmark that I know of, but World War 2 Online, a MMOG, eats RAM like there's no tomorrow. Benefits have been seen going from 1GB ram to 1.5 GB. :)
Every benchmark I've ever seen shows a considerable improvement from the pro to the platinum.
I've used no name ram before, recently got CORSAIR and its the same shit just cost me like $30 more per stick I feel ripped off.
jeffoz said:
I've used no name ram before, recently got CORSAIR and its the same shit just cost me like $30 more per stick I feel ripped off.

thats because you probably didn't buy the Corsair XMS series. The basic stuff is for gaming noobs.