would a Corsair HX520 work for 8800GTS SLI (640MB)


Jun 18, 2006
Well, my Ultra X2 is pissing me off. It sound's like a vacum cleaner and won't keep a stable 12v. so, I was wondering what opinions were about the 520 and if it would handle the power for SLI (I will be getting the 2nd card soon).

If not, I will get the 620, I'm just trying to save a lil cash.
The 8800GTS has been known to take as much as 160W off your rails, in sli that makes 320W, which means your ok. another 65W for the CPU, and your down to 135W for everything else, I think the rest of your components will go through that without a problem.

I suggest you go with something with a little more juice.
I picked up the 620w, just because spending a few more dollars will give me breathing room for when I decide to upgrade a bit.
The 8800GTS has been known to take as much as 160W off your rails, in sli that makes 320W, which means your ok. another 65W for the CPU, and your down to 35W for everything else, I think your hard drive will be takin the rest of it. And youll still need more for the other components of yo ur system.

I suggest you go with something with a little more juice.

Thats 420 watts, the Corsairs can a take a little more punishment than that.

I would go for the 620 though, it will give you more headroom for the future.
the corsairs are seasonics as I recall, which means you can put absolute faith in em, if they run within spec, but I dont think it will be. Nb and Sb put off a fair ammount of heat, I havnt taken the power they consume into consideration.
The 520W would be cutting it very close, go with the 620W version and you'll be a happy camper :)
It will save your ears too. You don't want that fan (even though it's supposedly quiet) running 100% 24/7. Another vote for the 620.
I'm using the 620W for my Lanbox (in sig) and it works very well with my 8800 GTX. It'd do a great job for your system now and if you decide to upgrade in the future.
I got a 520, and running a 8800 and 3 hard drives. Had 5 drives hooked up once for 2 days and no problems.