Worth setting up a bridge?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 16, 2009
I was wondering if you guys thought it was worth setting up a wireless bridge from my media center to my centralized WAP/Cable modem. There's a LOT of wireless devices in the area, and it seems like if I were to take the 4-5 devices in the media area and force them to use a single bridge, that it may improve overall speed.

IE, TV, BRP, PS4, WiiU, Roku 3 -> Ethernet -> Bridge -------- WAP -> Cable modem

Rather than each of those devices pumping out its own wifi signal and adding to the clutter.
Nope. No Coax on that wall, and I'm not stringing it around the house. I should note, my bridge would be a WNR3700 w/ DD-WRT. Main router is a RT-AC68W w/ oem firmware.
I'm not sure how much "better" it might make things, but I say give it a shot. Best case, everything works better without having so many overlapping WiFi signals. Worst case, you have to undo it :p
why not try powerline?

Yeah, first choice would be to string an ethernet cable. Second choice would be powerline.

Dead last is wireless bridges, they're annoying to setup and can get twichy in wifi saturated environments.
If you can get a 5 GHz wireless bridge, there are a LOT more 5 GHz channels available, plus I highly doubt you have many people near you broadcasting on those frequencies. If you get a Wireless AC one with a Wireless AC router/AP then your speeds will be very close if not somewhat better than hard lined.

I've used powerline adapters and those are a bit hit and miss depending on a lot of things. If your 5 GHz range is open, use that.