Worth it to jailbreak iPhone 4S?


Jun 16, 2011
I just bought an iPhone 4S and i'm considering jailbreaking it for the 5 app dock/scroll and extended Siri commands, but i'm not sure if it's worth it, as I can't find much about it on Google.
Additionally, what is some other cool shit I can do with a jailbroken iPhone?
Thanks !
Yes it is always worth it to jailbreak an iPhone IMHO, i'd say what all can be done, but i dont have any experience doing that to an iPhone in ~2 years so what i'd say is out of date :D
Yes jailbreak it. The first apps I download are SBsettings, Bitesms, Music Controls pro and Ifile, Snappy, Pkg Backup.

Also useful are Super Switcher, zephyr, Winterboard, Applocker, Barrel, Bulletin, Call Bar, Cyntact, Iconoclasm, Springtomize 2 (amazing tweak). Ifile, music banners, RingerX VIP, Tap2Unlock, Pro Tube (what the iphone youtube app should be) and others. I am so glad to be back on a jailbroken phone it was just such a limited experience. Also do it now before 5.1 drops.

Also why the hell not? You can always restore it back. My battery life is the exact same with or without and that to me is the only possible problem with jailbreaking.
Yes jailbreak it. The first apps I download are SBsettings, Bitesms, Music Controls pro and Ifile, Snappy, Pkg Backup.

Also useful are Super Switcher, zephyr, Winterboard, Applocker, Barrel, Bulletin, Call Bar, Cyntact, Iconoclasm, Springtomize 2 (amazing tweak). Ifile, music banners, RingerX VIP, Tap2Unlock, Pro Tube (what the iphone youtube app should be) and others. I am so glad to be back on a jailbroken phone it was just such a limited experience. Also do it now before 5.1 drops.

Also why the hell not? You can always restore it back. My battery life is the exact same with or without and that to me is the only possible problem with jailbreaking.

Damn man, that's an extensive list! I'm going to backup my shit to iTunes now(i just plug it in, and it backs up automatically, correct?) and then jailbreak this fucker and check out those apps. What diff does it make if 5.1 drops before I jailbreak? I imagine it will kill the jailbreak method?
Meh, if it wasn't for MyWi and that I am grandfathered into unlimited data, I wouldn't have jailbroken my phone. That being said, MyWi is absolutely worth it solely for jailbreaking. SBSetting is the only other application I run too, but it's nothing too special.
If you're going to jailbreak an iPhone, just go return it and get a Galaxy Nexus. You brought into the system, so stick to it! No, it's not worth it to jailbreak an iPhone. The Apple warranty is top notch. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize the warranty.
Don't worry about what Chang3d says. You aren't going to jeopardize your warranty and you still have access to all of the rest of the system. I went with the iPhone 4s because I liked the hardware and I didn't like the Galaxy Nexus. Get what you like.

Those are just a few of the tons of other tweaks that work for me. I have other tweaks that I use that don't give me anything else besides "hey thats cool" also. Enjoy your phone!
I don't yet have an iPhone, but I plan on getting one soon. Does the jail break also break security? And when an update to iOS comes, what happens? Also, are the jailbreak apps all safe to use? Any issues with stolen passwords?
Yes it is extremely worth it. A non jailbroken phone is like being on a leash an when you jailbreak it you cut the leash and can do virtually anything you want
:p :p :p
Yeah, Jailbreak that iphone. Then you get the freedoms that every Android user has....lol
I don't yet have an iPhone, but I plan on getting one soon. Does the jail break also break security? And when an update to iOS comes, what happens? Also, are the jailbreak apps all safe to use? Any issues with stolen passwords?

Jailbreak apps leak less info than regular apps. Not enough time to link you but it was a study done by UC Berkeley. All jailbreak apps from the included repos are very safe. This is not like downloading a random app on the Android marketplace and getting malware. The nice thing about them is that if you really want to know whats in them you can use ifile to see what they've installed. No issues with stolen passwords.
I did the jailbreak, and this phone is running awesome, albeit a few issues here and there caused by a couple faulty apps.

Yeah, Jailbreak that iphone. Then you get the freedoms that every Android user has....lol
Stop your bullshit flame war or get out of my thread.
BiteSMS and FakeClockUp

FakeClockUp allows you to increase the UIKit speeds, which doesn't make your phone go faster but switching between screens/openapps is quicker and the whole phone feels much snappier.
Honestly I am not sure it is really worth it anymore...

I like SBS settings and such but a jail broken phone is always a risk. Also you need to wait on iOS updates.. basebands... ect. Now that we have the notification pull down I am not sure what the bid deal is.

Some people just want freedom for freedom's sake... I am over it.
Honestly I am not sure it is really worth it anymore...

I like SBS settings and such but a jail broken phone is always a risk. Also you need to wait on iOS updates.. basebands... ect. Now that we have the notification pull down I am not sure what the bid deal is.

Some people just want freedom for freedom's sake... I am over it.

Cool story bro. I need my tweaks and apps as some of apple's implementations are inefficient or bad.
I got the 64gb 4S myself and I jailbroke it as soon as I got it after some convincing from my fiancée's dad. Some great stuff I use...

Bitesms is a must. Instant response within apps and anything running without having to leave app.
Cyntact is great because it shows your contacts' pictures in the contacts section next to name.
Facebreak for being able to FaceTime over 3G.
Five Icon Dock does exactly what it sounds like
FolderEnhancer is one of my favorites too. Put any amount of apps in folders. Put folder in folders. And opens folders faster too.
PDAnet for wifi hotspot or any other tethering such as wired and Bluetooth
SB Rotator 5 basically lets you rotate home screen and within other stuff too around any direction just like the iPad
WeeFlashlight 5 For Notification Center is a great thing. Put a widget in the pull down notification center that turns the flash on and off with a press of a button. Useful if you need quick light.
3GUnrestrictor. app store stops you from downloading apps larger than 20mb. And YouTube only plays SD video over 3G. This tweak makes the associated app thinks its on wifi and lets you download any size app you want, and you can watch hd videos over 3G. You can unrestrict any app but I use it for those two only.
I did the jailbreak, and this phone is running awesome, albeit a few issues here and there caused by a couple faulty apps.

Stop your bullshit flame war or get out of my thread.
Chill out, man. Seriously. By jailbreaking, You get access to great apps, like SBSettings, Better notifications, Widgets, better LockScreens. All the things Android users have. Fact. I had an iPhone 4 for close to a year & loved it. It was jailbroken. I love a bigger screen on my Android. I have more freedom with my phone now. Not a flame war. Just facts.
Jailbreak your iPhone. It is great.
Chill out, man. Seriously. By jailbreaking, You get access to great apps, like SBSettings, Better notifications, Widgets, better LockScreens. All the things Android users have. Fact. I had an iPhone 4 for close to a year & loved it. It was jailbroken. I love a bigger screen on my Android. I have more freedom with my phone now. Not a flame war. Just facts.
Jailbreak your iPhone. It is great.

I'm calm, but you're lying homie! If you had you posted the above (sans the interwoven argument) there wouldn't have been an issue.
Android does have all those things, but the problem is they're not implemented correctly(I've had Android phones since the OG Droid), or they're straight up glitchy, usually both. Google makes a good OS(ICS only thus far), but the idea of an entirely open ecosystem which allows all different types of hardware and software overlays has proven to be nothing short of a hindrance to this point(Not to say it's not a phenomenal idea, it is, but ONLY if implemented correctly).
Everything should just work regardless of tweaking. I find that Android has not achieved this(Aside from ICS, which has not been streamlined thus far, only time will tell). With every Android phone I've had, there are shortcomings that ruin the phone for me with/without rooting/tweaking.
If Android reaches this point(where their implementation becomes par with their ideas) it will have what the iPhone already does.
Well since it is perfectly LEGAL I would say yes. You can in no way violate any laws in jailbreaking as per the US Supreme Court.
It is worth it because it cost you nothing. And it's legal as per US court ruling. Well legal if you live in America or territories.

Anyways I will from now on and forver root all my android phones so google cant have any control over my device with a rooted firewall installed.