Worth Getting a VIVO (not like all other posts of this nature)


Limp Gawd
Aug 10, 2004
Alright, at stock cooling my Visiontek X800 pro when OC'd scores 11773 in 3dmark03. everything runs stable, but my games seem like they don't benefit as much from the OC. temps range from 45 idle to 65-70 load. would i be benifiting at all in gaming (thats all that really matters, screw benchmarks) if i got a vivo and softmodded it?
Personally for me, a 16 pipe card that is underclocked runs as good as a 12 pipe clock overclocked. 3D mark might not make a large distinction, but I just feel my games run smoother with 16 pipes. Maybe it's just my mind tricking me :)
Hehe I hope its worth it. In fact, I'm sure it will be. What I'd really like to see is a benchmark comparison for an X800 Pro stock, an OC X800 Pro before softmod, X800 Pro with 16 pipes enabled stock speed, X800 Pro with 16 pipes OC. That would be very useful. in fact, if i don't find that comparison i may make it and post it.
newster said:
Personally for me, a 16 pipe card that is underclocked runs as good as a 12 pipe clock overclocked. 3D mark might not make a large distinction, but I just feel my games run smoother with 16 pipes. Maybe it's just my mind tricking me :)

Well, I can tell you that DOOM3 real world performance is at least 20% better form me with those pipes unlocked vs the same Pro at XT speeds w/ 12 pipes.
Toboggan said:
Hehe I hope its worth it. In fact, I'm sure it will be. What I'd really like to see is a benchmark comparison for an X800 Pro stock, an OC X800 Pro before softmod, X800 Pro with 16 pipes enabled stock speed, X800 Pro with 16 pipes OC. That would be very useful. in fact, if i don't find that comparison i may make it and post it.

I actually had that idea over a month ago when I got my card, but soon realized that Gigabyte "screwed" me and gave me 16 pipes stock, thwarting my plans. Oh well... :p