Worst game of the year


Sep 1, 2006

In a year that has had some very good games realeased: farcry 2, gta4, fallout3, left 4 dead. what would you say that the worst game released this year has been?
STALKER Clear Sky looked like it was a disappointment, but I didn't play it. Other than that, I heard a lot of moaning about GTA IV game breaking bugs.

In a year that has had some very good games realeased: farcry 2, gta4, fallout3, left 4 dead. what would you say that the worst game released this year has been?

I would nominate Far Cry 2. What a horrible POS of a game. I wish I could get my money back.
GTA IV and Crysis Warhead. The first for abysmal performance without reason and game destroying bugs, the second for total failure to improve performance over the original and the introduction of what may well go down in history as the most idiotic names for settings ever.
Fallout 3... for changing Fallout into Oblivion in The Future, with cutting cuts to any of Fallout lore and climate.

Oh, and as MMO are concernedy my vote go to FLS and their Pirate of Burning Seas, for killing a thing that could be true star of MMO. That's what you get, when devs listen to forum whiners and nerf the shit out of game.
Clear Sky was a great game. I don't know how anyone would think it was terrible. Maybe not to the tastes of some, but still a straight-up brilliant game.

My vote goes to FarCry2.
Far cry 2 - what a piece of crap - shamble to call this game far cry.
Hellgate (thought there was another thread on this topic but search is letting me down...)
Hm... FarCry 2 would get my vote for worst thing I played. I am sure worse games came out that I just didn't play though.
GTA4 or Farcry 2.

GTA4 for its windows live Bull#$% and bugs or FarCry 2 for being a huge disappointment.
FarCry 2 was very disappointing...it gets my vote.

Crysis: Warhead, while fun, was a performance nightmare (read: worse than orig. and short!).

Not released this year, but I bought it this year...Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, was interesting, but not better than orig, and it ran like s*** on my computer (the one in sig.)
I seem to have varying opinions on 'worst.' I usually call bad games 'bad'/'worst' because they're broken, flawed, or not fun. I'm sure there are 'worse' games released this year than Far Cry 2 or AoC. So I picked a 'bad' game and a 'dissappointing' game.

Worst Game: Eternity's Child - Broken POS

Most Disappointing: Left 4 Dead

Not so friendly lobby system - No way to ensure a vanilla/custom server from the lobby. Openserverbrowser isn't nice for versus games when you're trying to get friends to play on one side.

Repetitive action in campaign mode - The director AI is fairly predictable and dealing with the zombies really doesn't need any sort of skill.

Versus is fun and will become much more popular than campaign, but needs an option to allow difficulty mode changes rather than just setting it to normal.

Sure there is the DLC argument but you still get the predictability of computer controlled characters. Only difference is the level or weapon.

Overall, I can see the user numbers decrease lower than the other valve standards (CS,CS:S, TF2) with the remaining players sticking to versus. It doesn't seem to have the replayability factor to keep itself popular.
Okay, drama queen

Drama queen or not that game was awful. I would rather mow my fucking yard than Far Cry 2, I would rather drive nails into my knee caps, I would rather shove bamboo up my urethra. No game has ever bored me like Far Cry 2, in fact, nothing has ever bored me like Far Cry 2.
Drama queen or not that game was awful. I would rather mow my fucking yard than Far Cry 2, I would rather drive nails into my knee caps, I would rather shove bamboo up my urethra. No game has ever bored me like Far Cry 2, in fact, nothing has ever bored me like Far Cry 2.

I was going to comment on Biquik's post - I too was disappointed by L4D, and share his views - recommending that he try FC2, but your post demonstrates exactly why FarCry 2 is indisputably deserving of the title to the point that I don't need to.
Iron Man?

I give Far Cry 2 the title of biggest disappointment of the year, but come on it's far from the worst game EVER.
Man, the peeps that are hating Fallout 3, you really have no taste in gaming. Of course, these are probably the same people that think Call of Duty is the golden example of PC gaming. :rolleyes:
I get nauseous when I see people nominate A* title X for worst game of the year just because it didn't meet their expectations.

Ofcourse it's not Far Cry 2 or GTAIV for fcks sakes. Use metacritic to find the title with the lowest score. Though professional reviews cannot be trusted 100%, they're still a good guideline to find the games that could rate as the worst.