World's First Supercomputer Built With SSDs

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The world's first supercomputer built using solid state drives for storage is called Gordon. Get it? Flash Gordon? Raise your hand if you are old enough to remember Flash Gordon.

Gordon uses 300 terabytes of flash, spanning 1,024 high-performance Intel 710 series drives, and the system includes new software designed to aggregate resources from multiple physical server nodes into “super-nodes,” so users have immediate access to data, rather than waiting for the system to access particular drives. Allan Snavely, the SDSC’s associate director, sees this as the world’s largest thumb drive.
You'd have to have one helluva large thumb for THAT to be called a thumb drive. JS :D
Flash - a-ah - saviour of the universe
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash - a-ah - he's a miracle
Flash - a-ah - king of the impossible
Flash - a-ah - saviour of the universe
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash - a-ah - he's a miracle
Flash - a-ah - king of the impossible

This. Much respect for Freddie Mercury's epic vocals.

I do like the name of this new supercomputer. :)
Flash - a-ah - saviour of the universe
Flash - a-ah - he'll save everyone of us
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Flash - a-ah - he's a miracle
Flash - a-ah - king of the impossible

lol I was going to post the same thing. :D
And to think back in the day computers occupied entire rooms! Their size was enormous! Now we have these teeny, tiny... o wait.
I freakin love Flash Gordon. The blu-ray version looks amazing.

Anywho I would love to have even one of those in my basement.
Awesome, I actually watched Flash Gordon yesterday on Netflix, I hadn't seen it in years. That movie is so full of win. Oh, and the servers are cool to I guess.
With the operating speed of this thing, I wonder what the SSD repalcement cycle would be?
'Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!'
No love for the Syfy remake? Personally I would rather watch the old black and white serials... with a Queen soundtrack.
Just read the linked article and saw this quote from one of the people on the project. "We did massive amounts of testing. As soon as we could test anything, we tested."

So much testing. For SCIENCE!
I worked with several of the people on this project, but did not work for the project directly. The entire thing was paid for by grants from Intel and everyone pretty much got "free" Intel SSD's for their desktop... you can walk down the halls at SDSC and see the Intel "My SSD Rocks" and "Got SSD?" stickers all over the walls.

Gordon is truly a beastly fast cluster and was designed to show the Enterprise markets that it is a viable choice for any company wanting the fastest IOPS in the World. Expect to see a lot of White Papers to come out on this.
we're going to look back in 20 years and say "This thumb drive used to take up a whole room."

is that a good thing?
Actually, after reading this I find I'm bored...

Should I ask what plaything can you offer me today?

Perhaps, an obscure body in the SK system?

And Flash Gordon was there in silver underwear
Claude Rains was the invisible man
I wonder if EVE Online's networked RAM drives count. Then again, I would imagine an all SSD EVE servers would help with performance a lot. This supercomputer is impressive to use SSDs entirely.
we're going to look back in 20 years and say "This thumb drive used to take up a whole room."

is that a good thing?
In 20 years, we'll also be saying, "This phone used to take up a whole room." :D