World In Conflict - $19.99 Amazon Deal of the Day one day only!!!


Apr 7, 2007
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I actually ordered this for the same price before shipping from an amazon third party dealer on the 26th. I would have done the gogamer deal that was also going on at the time, but they couldn't cancel my order in time. In any case, this is still a bit over a dollar cheaper after shipping for me, so I guess it's still a deal. :p
Luckily, Amazon Prime proves itself well worth the money I paid for it with free 2 day shipping ;) I won't get it until Wednesday, but really, no rush.

I was upset that I missed the GoGamer deal, but psyched now because I got it for a straight up $20 spot. I don't trust Amazon to keep it $20 for long, though, as I've seen them have numerous DOTD's at one price when it starts, and change it mid day. The cheapest they have ever done WiC is $30, so kind of suprising to see them chop another $10 off. Must be a publisher thing as this is the second site in a row to do it now.
I bit....bought some socks to push it over $25.00....would have bought some tooth paste or deodorant, but seems like they only sell that stuff in bulk, and I don't need 12 sticks of deodorant or 6 tubes of toothpaste.

Not sure how my rig will play it, but I'll upgrade the graphics card in the next month or so.
My rig will not play this game but my future one will. Might as well start the game library off with a great game. I won't be able to play it until Feb or March though. On well, I can wait but the deals will not.
Yep, bought one and added a bag of wood chips to get over $25. I used the "filler finder." I've been playing the game and it is quite fun, good story line and creative elements but the strategy is somewhat lacking. May want to try on line and will need a serial number. Nice to pay for things if you use them for any extended length of time. Much happier to pay $20 than $50.

Thanks for the tip.
Price: $29.99 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
You Save: $20.00 (40%)

Not totally dead but wounded.
Yep, bought one and added a bag of wood chips to get over $25. I used the "filler finder." I've been playing the game and it is quite fun, good story line and creative elements but the strategy is somewhat lacking. May want to try on line and will need a serial number. Nice to pay for things if you use them for any extended length of time. Much happier to pay $20 than $50.

Thanks for the tip.

Doh, didn't realize about the supersaver thing until I read that. Ah well, it's still $25.69 for me, just with $5.70 of it disappearing into thin air. :D

At least it came pretty fast. California to NY in 3 days.
I never played RTS games because I felt overwhelmed by them,can I get into this one without getting that feeling?
Well, there's no base building or resource's not too complicated.........take your units and tell them to attack (and then watch all of the pretty explosions and debris left in your wake)
Available in Canada at Future Shop until Jan 3rd? For $19.79. I picked it up yesterday and all I can say is are incredible. Does get a TAD choppy when there are a ton of explosions with all graphics turned to full detail.

I remember the days when $20 Ca used to be like $11 US. It must be awesome being a Canadian right now. One day, a Canadian will get a US penny and be pissed off about it heh.

Anyways, I bit. Never really seemed like my kind of game, but for $20? Not bad at all.
I remember the days when $20 Ca used to be like $11 US. It must be awesome being a Canadian right now. One day, a Canadian will get a US penny and be pissed off about it heh.

I thought everyone gets pissed at getting US pennies. :p

Well, apparently it's pretty great...if you live near the US border and can go over and shop. Otherwise, it kinda sucks because retailers haven't adjusted prices yet to reflect the increased value of the loonie. But what do I know huh? :)
I thought everyone gets pissed at getting US pennies. :p

Well, apparently it's pretty great...if you live near the US border and can go over and shop. Otherwise, it kinda sucks because retailers haven't adjusted prices yet to reflect the increased value of the loonie. But what do I know huh? :)
My good buddy just went to Buffalo for 2 days to do some shopping. Apparently prices on clothes are amazingly cheap.........but for electronics he says that they seem to be the same or higher priced at the stores in the USA.

Among other things, he brought back a huge 7.5 foot christmas tree for $100........reg price was $340 or something crazy.

.......I used to collect US coinage when I got it..........but now, I don't want it.......I tell the stores to give me Canadian change instead :p
Probably because you're going for B&M. Clothes and the like are at reasonable prices but electronics might not be, especially computer components.
I never played RTS games because I felt overwhelmed by them,can I get into this one without getting that feeling?

Seems like a lot of RTS fans don't like this game, and feel it's not a real RTS. I take that to mean it's not as overwhelming for the newbie.

I don't play them very much, but figured I'd give this one a try. I remember enjoying a few rounds of Total Annihilation around 10 years back.