Word in conflict=simply stunning


Jul 18, 2007
This game is amazing.. just finished the mini campaign on the demo and completly love it...

Running on it max settings with a 8800 gtx and getting a nice 40-50 fps in heavy combat.

I recommend everyone on this site dl the demo and play this revolutionary rts.
Revolutionary? I didnt notice anything special, apart from the points-system.

Well anyways, I found the game pretty boring and somewhat plain. :confused:
Revolutionary? I didnt notice anything special, apart from the points-system.

Well anyways, I found the game pretty boring and somewhat plain. :confused:

The moving dropzones was pretty cool, along with the fact that there is no need to manage resources.

A steady supply of reinforcements keeps the game at a good pace. Also, the air strikes/artillery kicks ass. I'm definately buying it.

I was playing it at 2560x1600 maxed out (2x 8800GTX, core 2 e6600, 2 gigs of ram)... it lagged some when multiple buildings and units were exploding... I think it's time to reinstall windows or something ><
It was cool for an hour or so...I don't see how this game would really last that long, though :confused:
Visually, I thought it was stunning. The gameplay though? It seems like some of the most run of the mill RTS gameplay I've played in a while.
Visually, yes, its very impressive. Gameplay however is pretty limited, and since it is 100% team based, its pretty damn boring unless you're scrimming, which won't be so easy unless the game is immensely popular.
I think its really fun. I like how you dont have to gather resorces , which saves time for focusing on more important matters... like killing the other team :). I all comes down to what you like, I like the fast and frantic pace of the game, a job well done by Massive IMO.
World in Conflict is more than stunning, Its AMAZING!! Best RTS I've played this year. Love the whole WW3 theme and I've only played the Beta. I haven't had a chance to play the demo because I'm currently on vacation :D
I think its really fun. I like how you dont have to gather resorces , which saves time for focusing on more important matters... like killing the other team :). I all comes down to what you like, I like the fast and frantic pace of the game, a job well done by Massive IMO.

QFT I enjoy the game for these same reasons. If is a lot of fun to fill the buildings on both sides of a street and ambush an unsuspecting convoy of heavy tanks, until you get gassed that is.
I seriously thought it was going ot be a fps. Oh well, its not to bad i get about 30 fps @ 1680x1050 with the maching in my sig
Revolutionary? No. It was tried many years ago with a shit title called C&C Sole Survivor. The only difference is you get 5-6 units vice 1. The graphics are nice. I wanted to like it, but I couldn't. Seems to be an RTS for the Counter-strike crowd. I had some matches that lasted all of 5 minutes.
Yeah it's good, but I don't think it'll do too good in pubs. At least I don't think so, there's too much team coordination required to make playing in pubs any fun, unless you get lucky. I played online for an hour and if you get a team of look-at-me-i'm-12-and-i-can-win-by-myself, then you'll get dominated in less than five minutes.

However, I think clan matches would be awesome.
I was at their launch party @ PAX. The game seemed OK. Gameplay didn't look "revolutionary."
not sure if this is cause its a demo, but the game starts getting laggy after you select a drop off point-- possible bug?
i beta tested the game and thought it sucked ass
you were to dependant on other people and their idiotic decisions.
but then again it was beta
Why do people get stuck on one game for like forever.. OMG COH is the best game, no other RTS can top it.. omg Starcraft even though its as old as my oldest grandmother its still the best even with the 640x480 resolution.. OMG aint no game better than HL1 omg UT99 forget CRysis UT99 and Counter Strike.. Please...

World in Conflict is awesome so is Company of Heroes, so is a lot of other games.. Point is WIC is stunning in other peoples' eyes as it holds much more than a candle to COH.
i beta tested the game and thought it sucked ass
you were to dependant on other people and their idiotic decisions.
but then again it was beta

The game relies on teamplay, that makes it suck? maybe you got into a bad pub, you have to find a server were people know how to play somtimes that task can be daunting but when you do, the game is so much more rewarding.
Why do people get stuck on one game for like forever.. OMG COH is the best game, no other RTS can top it.. omg Starcraft even though its as old as my oldest grandmother its still the best even with the 640x480 resolution.. OMG aint no game better than HL1 omg UT99 forget CRysis UT99 and Counter Strike.. Please...

World in Conflict is awesome so is Company of Heroes, so is a lot of other games.. Point is WIC is stunning in other peoples' eyes as it holds much more than a candle to COH.

Word. well said man.
Why do people get stuck on one game for like forever.. OMG COH is the best game, no other RTS can top it.. omg Starcraft even though its as old as my oldest grandmother its still the best even with the 640x480 resolution.. OMG aint no game better than HL1 omg UT99 forget CRysis UT99 and Counter Strike.. Please...

World in Conflict is awesome so is Company of Heroes, so is a lot of other games.. Point is WIC is stunning in other peoples' eyes as it holds much more than a candle to COH.

I'm not saying CoH is the best game, just that IMO CoH is better. I do agree that World in Conflict is better looking, but as far as other RTS games, it doesn't really seem all that special...IMO, of course.
You're all wrong Supcom = best RTS evar.!!!!11

j/k I love COH, WIC, and Supcom. It just depends what kind of mood I'm in.

If I want action packed strategy with amazing effects and fast games, WIC.

If I want some moderate base building with great strategic options and bloody limbs flying through the air due to arty shells, COH.

If I want to spend hours building a massive base and sweep my units over the enemy like a flood, Supcom.
I have to argue that World in Conflict is extremely fun. Had my first hand at multiplayer today and alot of teamwork is required in order to win. The game has built-in voice and towards the end of the day on my server almost everyone was using it--it made the game alot more fun and rewarding.
The demo rocks. Been playing multiplayer and its funny when an armor division with tanks started yelling DUDE I NEED AIR COVER like he's in real war or sumfin lol... Teamplay definitely rocks because if you go on your own like Rambo you will get owned.
Napalm strikes are FUN!

The game takes away the underlying economy which is always what screws me up in RTS games, you've never got the right number of X harvesting Y to get the optimal output of Z.

This you just choose your units, air drop them in, and after a while you can get more, the rest of the gameplay is actually fighting rather than building.

It's always really crap to build an empire and have it burnt to the ground, it makes losing that much harder in RTS games for me and others I know. And presumably it also makes rushing far less important since theres no underlying structures to take out.

It's a good demo I might get the full game yet I don't know im not a huge fan of RTS's, I got CoH and I dont play that online much at all.