Woot Off

PurpleSaurusRex said:
bro, desperation mode shouldn't turn on until 2 am tommorrow morning, after not scoring at the bars. when all the drunks try to hook up, its that wonderful, mystical moment when people realize how sad their own lives are and seek the immediate comfort of temperary companionship and yet it is so amusing to watch.

Dude...im SOOO there
guito13 said:
LOL im 26....and i am very ANTI-FEMALE due to some things that have happend in the last couple years...

but if shes hot, free, and wont ask any questions....j/k

There's "Hot" and "Hot-to-trot" which are sometimes mutually exclusive. In her case, definitely mutually exclusive.

I like how the meter does a little dance back and forth as people are going "I'll buy one" "No, I wont" "Oh what the heck I will" "Well Maybe Not"
:eek: lord have mercy.

back on topic:

norelco's now at about 85%-90%. we may have a wootkiller here...
I figured this would go quick..but they probably have a larger quantity
starhawk said:
:eek: lord have mercy.

back on topic:

norelco's now at about 85%-90%. we may have a wootkiller here...

I'm looking for one that will DEFINITELY take it's sweet-assed-time that I don't want so I can go to CompUSSR and pick up the laptop that I'm going to purchase tomorrow at the Cost+7% Sale.
DevilDoc said:
I'm looking for one that will DEFINITELY take it's sweet-assed-time that I don't want so I can go to CompUSSR and pick up the laptop that I'm going to purchase tomorrow at the Cost+7% Sale.

Might as well go....looks like this one may take some time
70% or so.

go ahead and head to BorkedBuy or wherever. the norelco's will still be here long after you get back.
Just called the store to check for stock availability. They've got it so I'm getting it. See y'all in a bit.
now it's at about 70%... i overestimated last time.

devildoc better hurry to CompPukeSA or wherever.
Norelco 6616X Rechargeable Electric Shaver
A perfect gift for the man you love... or woman... *shivers*


haha, i love the shivers thing
PurpleSaurusRex said:
bro, desperation mode shouldn't turn on until 2 am tommorrow morning, after not scoring at the bars. when all the drunks try to hook up, its that wonderful, mystical moment when people realize how sad their own lives are and seek the immediate comfort of temperary companionship and yet it is so amusing to watch.

I think I am going to cry.... That is so well put, I have to wipe tears from my eyes.

I was bored.
hahahaha... not bad for ms paint! not bad at all.

if you're wondering how i could tell... ms paint has a rather characteristic method of *.jpg compression that is particularly obvious.
Just got home from work...

Edit: I just scared myself $hitless. I was trying to grab a connector with a small pair of tweezers in my rack mount APC unit (I know) when a wire came out of nowhere and touched the tweezers. Needless to say..sparks ensued....circuts tripped...and the tweezers now are blackened at the end and they have a little chunk of metal out of them where the wire touched it...oh well...back to woot
MSI GeForce FX5600 Ultra 128MB 8X AGP Video Card
VGA, DVI and S-video out - DirectX9 support
$59.99 $5.00 S&H

Oops its gone..
Next up...

Sanyo Cordfree Salt&Pepper Mill and Cheese Grater
It's Guda 'nuff for you

$12.99 $5.00 S&H
Yep I'm back. Got me a killer deal on the lappy I'm currently typing this on. Can yah gimmee me a hell yeah? No? Didn't think so. Screw you then.

I'm posing this deal up in a separate [H]|Deals thread in case you're interested. $1,249 for a tablet pc and I got 'em to gimmee a $50 GC. woot indeed. Plus a $100 rebate. Plus tomorrow they've got a Cost+7%sale going on tomorrow. So I'll be there at 1 getting a price change. Screw CompUSSR for all their worth.
CEpeep said:
The lights are still flashing for me. :confused:

As long as the lights are still rolling the woot-off is still going. At least that's what they said last time I saw this.

Edit: Texas Hold'em poker set is up now. Get it while it's hot.
DevilDoc said:
As long as the lights are still rolling the woot-off is still going. At least that's what they said last time I saw this.

Where's this hot tablet PC deal you were gonna post? ;)
CEpeep said:
Where's this hot tablet PC deal you were gonna post? ;)

Patience, young jedi. I'm writing it as we speak (post?) and will have it up soon. Can't do a thing with it anyways today cos CompUSSR be closed now. Will be good for tomorrow.
i'm back.

Las Vegas Style Texas Hold'em Poker Set
You got to know when to hold'em.....
$12.99 $5.00 S&H

sold out. sorry folks.
Labtec 967360-0403 Wireless Desktop
Wireless freedom, Multimedia controls and Optical accuracy
$19.99 $5.00 S&H

and its gone in about 30 secs :p
why are y'all posting the exact same information that anyone can see if they actually go to the site? :confused:
G-daddy said:
why are y'all posting the exact same information that anyone can see if they actually go to the site? :confused:

So we have a written record of everything sold as part of the Woot-Off.