Wolfram|Alpha Open to Public

Pretty neat to mess around with. Thought this was kind of neat:

Input interpretation:

How old are you?


1.159 days

Unit conversions:

1 day 3 hours 48 minutes 51.81 seconds
100 132 seconds
27.81 hours
Not working here. "Wolfram|Alpha has temporally exceeded its current maximum test load."
Useless without being able to serve as an amazing porn filtering-and-retrieval database.

WER CAN U FIND FRIE PR0N?! Wolfram|Alpha has no idea. :eek:
I watched the launch of this live the other night, as I was raiding. All I remember hearing was, wow this isn't working, wow that didn't work as planned, etc...

Sounds like a rough launch :)
Useless without being able to serve as an amazing porn filtering-and-retrieval database.

WER CAN U FIND FRIE PR0N?! Wolfram|Alpha has no idea. :eek:

It's true!

The first thing I searched was "porn" and all it returned was words.


This thread restores my faith in the [H] mentality. You guys make me laugh. :D
The most obvious answer becomes the one that search/answer engine provides... and a tip o'the hat to Douglas Adams... ;)
Funny, I looked up my birthday (which at the time was an actual Federal/national holiday here in the US but has since changed to that stupid revolving "last Monday of the month" crap) and Wolfram/Alpha says the day wasn't a holiday.


I was born during a parade celebrating the holiday...

Yeah, but can it run crysis? [/sarcasm]

OK, how many people will ask if it can run Crysis?

Doesn't know what a Dana 60 is, so its worthless to me right now.
1 - Open up WolframAlpha.
2 - Search "Zimbabwe inflation rate".
3 - Shit bricks.
I've tried about 30 unique queries and gotten nothing useful out of the thing. Its not a very smart engine yet.
Pretty cool... it's rather limited, but what it does have is pretty handy.