Wolfking Trooper + XFPS 3.0 = :-(


Limp Gawd
Jul 31, 2002
I got the Wolfking Trooper mouse off of the last woot off figuring I could use it on my xbox 360 as a gaming mouse. The problem is that when I plug it into the XFPS it doesn't power up, but if I plug it into my computer or directly into the xbox it powers up just fine. Is this a compatibility issue with the XFPS or is it just not getting enough power to turn on? If it's the latter, could I used a powered USB hub to solve the problem?
*cough* we don't help cheaters *cough*
Why not get a proven MX518 because > all
mx518s and g9's work with the xfps? I just need a thumb button to bind to the knife command on MW2.