Woah. G.SKILL 2 x 2GB DDR2-800 memory just went up $40 overnight?

I'm honestly not sure why that particular G.Skill is so expensive. Take a look at this Patriot ram which is very reliable, has tighter timings (4-4-4-12), and is only 1/2 the cost.
It'll probably come back down in a day or two.. I've seen newegg jack up the prices only to have them come down to their normal prices again.
The instant rebate is gone. Has been $40 off for MONTHS. I'm sure it'll come back. Give it a day or two.

ninja edit: this set is still has the 40 instant rebate

Not sure. I just got the 4GB (2x2GB) set of Patriot ram Eased Latency (5-5-5-12) from Frys for $59.99 - $25 (rebate).
Yeah wait it out. I wanted another 4 gig of G.Skill DDR2 1000. They went on sale (at the Egg) from $124.99 down to $69.99. Right before I bit, they shot back up to $124.99. One day later they went back down to $69.99. Of course I grabbed them right away. Don't you know, 2 days later they went down to $62.99. This was all in a week's time. Wacky rollercoaster.
$54.99 with promo code EMCBACBBJ
Good for people who wouldn't touch rebates with a 10 foot long pole...
$54.99 with promo code EMCBACBBJ
Good for people who wouldn't touch rebates with a 10 foot long pole...

$10 more than kits with a rebate...so yes, it's good for people that don't want any rebates.
Its the way it is. Buy when its cheap. Prices usually are low but they seem to reset the deals every once in a while