Witcher or Oblivion?

+1 for The Witcher. I found the game totally engrossing, epic and great fun to play
Gothic 3, i preferd it over oblivion - what made the game fail was a very very buggy release and poor performance even on high end rigs

there is now a community patch out 1.6 which has allot of fixes and tweaks, i still haven't finished it and love playing it now and then, i got my copy for $20 @ bestbuy, and worth it if you don't mind tweaking some ini files on a couple lines.

They are now making an add-on for Gothic 3 and already working on gothic 4 too.
I own both imo Oblivion was better. Probably one of the best games I've played in my life. 9.5/10. Funner combat (the spell system OWNED), sneaking, stealing, the items and overall inventory is way better than Witchers, the environment looks and feels better traveling through, fresher, you can buy houses ect and store items.. Oblivion was Epic :)

Witcher is good too however I'd rate Witcher 8/10.
I've been playing Oblivion all weekend and having a lot of fun with it. I added the big Qarl upgrade. I tried the Obscure Overhaul package, but it made several characters act weird so I deactivated it.

I'm now a full-fledged Blade and am off to my next mission. Gonna track down and kill me some Spies!!

I pre-ordered Witcher Enhanced from Amazon, but will be busy with Oblivion for quite awhile. Thanks for all the responses!