Wireless N adapter


Feb 28, 2010
Lately i've been having a lot of connection issues with my router between my ps3, desktop, and my laptop. I know for a fact that part of it is my isp, but i'm also pretty certain that my old netgear router is starting to fail on me. Today I bought a netgear 3700 and i'll be setting it up as soon as it arrives. I'm looking for a wireless n pci adapter for my desktop that can operate on the 5 ghz frequency but have been unable to find one.

I will admit that networking is not my speciality so if anybody has a suggestion on a better way to network these devices that would be great. My ps3 is in my living room and will be hardwired to the router because anytime I attempt to do media streaming from a computer to my ps3, playback will begin to stutter after about 30 seconds every 5 to 10 seconds. I plan on hooking up an external drive to the router so that i'm not having to stream video from one of my computers over the wireless network, and my desktop and laptop are in my room. I do live in an apartment so unfortunately i can't drill holes in the walls to hardwire both my ps3 and desktop to the router.

So basically i'm looking for a suggestion on a wireless adapter or if somebody has a better suggestion.