wireless learning resources?


Nov 29, 2001
Does anyone have any suggestions for good wireless learning resources? I'm reading old CWNA material now, and would like something vendor neutral if possible. I've got a recent CCNA routing and switching and was considering studying their wireless track, but I've heard it slants heavily towards Cisco gear, but I have access to mainly Aruba. Just trying to get a better handle on wireless technology.
Most corporations have Cisco wireless hardware in their networks, so it would be good if you concentrated on the Cisco, instead of non-vendor specific. But in reality its all the same. If you know Cisco wireless, then you can handle other vendors wireless technologies.

Set a goal to get the CCNP also. Great jobs available for being CCNP certified.

Look here: http://blog.pluralsight.com/cisco-ccna-wireless-certification-guide

And get this book here: http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-640-722-Official-Guide-Certification/dp/1587205629/ref=pd_sim_b_4?ie=UTF8&refRID=1723YETEQ9BV29603ZE0
As an Amazon Associate, HardForum may earn from qualifying purchases.
Thanks! I do want to continue onto CCNP:RS, but I am waiting until I have more hands on experience. I only have 20% of my time dedicated to networking, and it's kind of a mentoring thing.

Its funny you linked Pluralsight, I'm debating using them or CBT Nuggets. Work is paying so I'm leaning towards CBT.
CBT nuggets are good. Im doing my ccnp Wireless at the moment, 1/4 (security) so far :) doing the next part (mobile service) within the next few months.
CBT nuggets are good. Im doing my ccnp Wireless at the moment, 1/4 (security) so far :) doing the next part (mobile service) within the next few months.

Good luck! I don't have a lot of money to throw at a lab for CCNA Wireless. What kind of equipment did you use (if any) to study on?
You are better off being vendor neutral with CWNA. Everything the CWNA teaches is usable on all brands of Wi-Fi equipment.