Wireless Clients don't see domain contents


Jun 28, 2002
A school that I consult for recently deployed laptops to all of it's junior high and high school students and teachers. As part of the project, we deployed Cisco 1131 AP's and a 4402 wireless controller. Authentication/Encryption is done through Radius WPA and AD.

Wireless coverage is good, everything authenticates and seems to work well, except once in a while when a client logs in, they can open up the domain in my network places, but it shows no contents (window is blank). DHCP and internet work fine. Hard wired in, it works fine. Sometimes rebooting the machine will fix it, sometimes it won't. It is just an intermittent problem, but when it happens to one, it seems like it happens to multiple others as well. Event viewer on the clients, the controller, and the radius server all seem to be fine.

I've found this KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;840669 that talks about timeouts and GP, but I haven't been able to test it yet, and doing so may be difficult, because the students are allowed to take the laptops home with them. There are a few extra machines I can test with, but every time I try to duplicate the problem, it works fine.

Do you think I should push out the registry key from the KB article, and see if it helps, or is there something else that I should be looking into?