Wireless CF card


Sep 11, 2001
Do you guys have any reccomendations for a wireless CF card? I got a linksys one and ended up returning it b/c I could never get it to work. In case it matters I have an HP ipaq 2215.
tinstaafl said:
Do you guys have any reccomendations for a wireless CF card? I got a linksys one and ended up returning it b/c I could never get it to work. In case it matters I have an HP ipaq 2215.

The only thing I know about them is that they are low powered, and won't recieve a signal very well. Now, if you can get past that, I really don't have a reccomendation, but I can provide this link. It's a list of all compatible CF Card with windows ce.
I used one from Dlink a while ago, not sure of the model.
It worked well for my axim.
I like the network setup/scanning tools better than the ones that come with the ipaq's w/ built in 802.11.