WinXP SP2 Boot screen???


[H]F Junkie
Nov 12, 2003
When your machine is booting up, when it gets to the black boot up screen, my screen said Windows XP and then Professional right under it. Now it just says Windows XP, same with my other machines. Do you guys have this?
nope. They made it that way. Not really sure why though. Its the same for all the xp versions.
I imagine one day they woke up and said why are we making and having to track several different versions of the same file when they are really all XP (Home, Pro, Tablet, Media, etc)?
OldPueblo said:
I imagine one day they woke up and said why are we making and having to track several different versions of the same file when they are really all XP (Home, Pro, Tablet, Media, etc)?

I think you're right. Apparently, the loading bar on the boot screen is now blue for all versions as well, rather than Home having a green bar. According to people who were using the betas, it looks like this happened around RC1.
Yup. I noticed it the day after I installed SP2.

You can still tell the difference when booting though because XP pro has a blue colored bar going accross whereas XP Home has a green bar.

They also took out some of the Copyright dates etc. Mekes it look a little less cluttered I suppose.
Heh, I've been beta testing SP2 since before RC1, but rarely reboot so I guess I missed it.
Canon said:
Yup. I noticed it the day after I installed SP2.

You can still tell the difference when booting though because XP pro has a blue colored bar going accross whereas XP Home has a green bar.

They also took out some of the Copyright dates etc. Mekes it look a little less cluttered I suppose.

XP Home also has a blue bar as of SP2.
It's the same for the different editions, XP now has:
Media Center

It's less testing this way, trust me. ;)
I got on the internet downloaded service pack 2 installed it and every time I boot up my computer it don't say microsoft windows xp home edition only it says microsoft windows xp. Why don't it say home edition any more? :confused:
Ranma_Sao said:
It's the same for the different editions, XP now has:
Media Center

It's less testing this way, trust me. ;)

You missed XPE...
Here we go with another topic that gets thread after thread created. I see 4 in the list already, and I haven't scrolled down yet.

Or, as some say: Holy Repost, Batman!!!
djnes said:
Here we go with another topic that gets thread after thread created. I see 4 in the list already, and I haven't scrolled down yet.

Or, as some say: Holy Repost, Batman!!!

Why should this be any different from any other "Software" post? Did you see the amount of threads DOOM 3 caused by it's release?

Some things will never change, just get used to it. ;)

.....or perhaps a "sticky" is in order?
Arkan said:
Why should this be any different from any other "Software" post? Did you see the amount of threads DOOM 3 caused by it's release?

Some things will never change, just get used to it. ;)

.....or perhaps a "sticky" is in order?

My comment was in reference to the fact very few people bother to read open threads before they create one. Often times, a thread exists right on the first page asking the same question, with answers posted already.
djnes said:
My comment was in reference to the fact very few people bother to read open threads before they create one. Often times, a thread exists right on the first page asking the same question, with answers posted already.

Agreed. I wish a huge sticky or something could go up with flashing letters : "Please search before you post."