WinXP: Internet wallpaper not working

Feb 3, 2007
Every time I restart my computer my internet wallpaper goes away. If i use a windows wallpaper it works fine. Only my internet wallpaper is having problems (right click on a picture and select "set as background"). After I restart my computer the background is just a solid color with no pictures, and the only way I have found to get my internet wallpaper back up is to: right click on desktop -> properties -> select a windows wallpaper -> then set theme to Windows XP -> then select my internet wallpaper.

Any ideas on how to get my internet wallpaper to stay on the background even after i restart? Any help is appreciated, thanks
Try right clicking on the picture you're trying to make your desktop background. Save pictures as... and then place that file on your desktop. Then manually select your file through the desktop properties.

My guess as to why your background is going away every time you restart is that you have some automatic setting to clear out your internet cache every time your reset the computer.