WinXP: Background Image in Folders?


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2003
I've been wondering this for a while, but have never been able to find an answer. What I want to do is put a background image to a folder (say my flash drive) so that when I open it an image is displayed behind the icons instead of the white background. I know there is something on Kelly's Korner claiming to do this by "creating" a desktop.ini file, but I cannot get it to work. This is what it says:

Background for folders: To create a template folder with a background image, create a new folder and customize it to create a hidden desktop.ini file inside. Edit the desktop.ini in the folder and add two lines:


Then create a hidden image file in the folder and name it "Background.bmp". This image can be .bmp, .jpg, or .gif, but you will need to edit the image file extension in your desktop.ini file to match the image file name.

How do you "customize" the folder to create a desktop.ini file? I can paste the blank one from the Windows folder into it and modify it, but it doesn't work. Any ideas?
Ha! I got it. You have to run "attrib +s 'path to file'" to get it to work. This makes the folder a system file and activates the desktop.ini or something. South Park is rocking my flash drive now. :)