Wine game performance?


Oct 4, 2005
Hey, I just started using Ubuntu. Now that Im done with school it's much easier as I don't need MS Office to interact with all my classmates, and I'm really liking the OS. I'm amazed at how much simpler linux has become and how much less frustrating Bash is now that I have time to learn it.

I am considering building a new system in the next few months, but I'm curious to find out what kind of performance people experience using Wine for gaming. I hear people say it is great for TF2 and pretty much anything Source or Id based, but what can you all tell me about your personal experiences with the software?

I'm mainly concerned with this because the only games I play at all anymore on my computer are Half-life games (HL1, HL2, CS:S, TF2, etc.) and I want to play Starcraft 2. Anyway, if you could post your thoughts and impressions and your system specs that'd be great.

I did also read the article on bit-tech about wine for the Mac and found it very informative. Here's the link for those interested:
Most games suffer a pretty good performance hit, if they are playable at all. You'll want cedega regardless, wine itself is not good enough for gaming at this point. And even with games marked as 5 stars "completely playable", it still has enough bugs to become annoying/distracting. You may have better luck than me. Don't even try using an ATI card, nvidia only at this point.

I found it was not worth the headache trying to game under linux, with the exception of ut2004 and doom3/quake4 because they have linux binaries. I just built a second damn workstation to run linux.
not true,

WINE is alot better the Cedega for gaming, Cedega comes into its own with copy-protected games

STEAM stuff (css,HL2) runs flawlessly for me as well as sin of a solar empire, Dawn of War...

try it

but in all honesty keep a dual-boot for windows-only games
I got steam running under wine on ubuntu, but even though it is playable, there are a lot of little things that don't quite work well or all the time, such as sound sometimes, steamui chat, and other things of that nature.
What about Crossover? I mean I know it's basically Wine with some enhancements, but does anyone have an experience with that too? Thanks for the quick replies.
What about Crossover? I mean I know it's basically Wine with some enhancements, but does anyone have an experience with that too? Thanks for the quick replies.

I tyhink Crossover Games has the most potential. But at this point that is all it is, potential. If you want to play windows games, then your going to be better off keeping a copy of xp installed on a second partition.
hrmph, isn't crossover mainly for business apps? word and the like?

oh.. and good to know about wine being better. It's been a long time since I bothered to game under linux. :)
hrmph, isn't crossover mainly for business apps? word and the like?

oh.. and good to know about wine being better. It's been a long time since I bothered to game under linux. :)

They have a new program out called Crossover Games. It will concentrate on game support, and with a faster release cycle.
isnt there a way to install windows xp into linux so if u can play windows games natively in linux?
There was something like that in the mid 90's, but it only ever woprked with win95, and MS threw a fit, and the software was never updated.

I forget what it was called though...
isnt there a way to install windows xp into linux so if u can play windows games natively in linux?

well, you can use vmware or another emulator to run windows from inside linux, but it does not have the graphics capabilities or the speed needed to run games.

great for other applications that need a full blown windows build, however.
dang...someone really needs to develop this...that way ull get BAZILLIONS of people switching to linux permanently
COD2 runs fine for me. (CS:S had problems on 7.10 for me, on 8.04 now and haven't tried).

I run COD2 on my laptop (Its got an Nvidia 7150) under wine and it runs GREAT.

Just my none helpful 1 cent