WindowsXP NetBT failure


[H]F Junkie
Apr 5, 2000
I was recovering a system from a W32.Spybot.Worm and when I finished the system failed to resolve via hostname. This has really got me stumped now. Barring a reload of netbios/netbui or forgoing the use of hostnames for resoultion in the workgroup, what options do I have?

FYI, I tried to "repair" the network connection and got a failure message saying there was a problem clearing NetBT. When I tried to do a nbtstat at the command prompt I got a permission denied error. The network still functions on this problem system so long as I only try to connect to hosts via IP.
BobSutan said:


Remove the Client for Microsoft Networks and File and printer sharing for Microsoft networks from all of you network interfaces.

Reboot, then readd it. Should fix whatever binding or registry issues left behind from the cleanup.
Already tried that. I also tried this tip by changing it to 2 (it was previously set to 1).

I've also tried to start NetBT manually, but that had no effect either.

Forgot to mention that I changed it to "NetBIOS over TCP" in the TCP/IP properties (still no luck).

**Edit 2**
I reread your post and uninstalled File and Print Services from all the adapters as well. Previously I had only removed Client for MS Networks. Rebooted, reinstalled, and still nothing.
Okay, somebody please explain this:

I think I'm getting somewhere. Event Viewer came up with this:

Initialization failed because the driver device could not be created.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

This site had some info on this so I'm gonna try their advice and see what happens.

I just verified the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper service is indeed running.

**Edit 2**
I just fired up regedit on a second system and copied over its NetBT "parameters" setting of \Device\ to see what happens. Rebooting now. If this doesn't work I'll give the utility found here a try.

Got it working. All it needed was the above registry value of "\Device\" (without the quotes)