Windows XP, WMP 10, Classic?

New Start

Feb 10, 2005
I have a Shuttle SFF PC that came with Windows XP and WMP 10 already installed. In WMP there are only a few skin choices, and the Classic skin isn't there!

Why isn't it there anymore?
How can I add it?
I have this feeling that it isn't there in WMP10. You get it only if you have upgraded from a previous version. Someone feel free to prove me wrong on that. The file that you are looking for should be classic.wmz in the Programs\WMP\Skins directory. Take a look and see if it's there or google around a bit and see if you can find it. I am not sure if the classic skin for previous versions would work on WMP10 but it might be worth a try... then again, might not.

Or, try something like Media Player Classic. Everything that WMP does except for DRM content. Oh, and the playlist isn't quite as good yet.
