Windows XP Pro - Remove 'Jump to URL' from html helper?


Fully [H]
Feb 19, 2008
Is there any known way to remove the ability 'Jump to URL' from a Windows XP html help window? I have a situation where Internet Access is supposed to be locked but students are using this exploit to circumvent the blocking tool. The problem exist because you can open an HTML from any number of programs. I haven't been able to find a single file that can be locked from the user in order to disable the help functionality.
Well, this doesn't quite answer your question, but you could just restrict all internet access from anywhere by editing your Hosts file.

Alternatively, I suppose you could delete hh.exe in the Windows directory, and just eliminate access to the HTML help viewer altogether.
Alternatively, I suppose you could delete hh.exe in the Windows directory, and just eliminate access to the HTML help viewer altogether.
The thing is it has to be something we can turn on/off. The program's we have used to do that are easily bypassed by this.

I was attempting to simply use security settings and deny access to the user account for the html helper file but I don't think I tried hh.exe, it was some other file(s). I'll have to try that Monday. Thanks!