Windows XP password feature


May 28, 2005
I'm not sure this is the right place to post this but I was wondering if there was a way to disable the password feature before you can log on to your computer profile. I can't for the life of me figure out why my password is no longer working. I know it may be a security issue but i'm sure someone made something to be able to fix this issue if it ever came up. If anyone can give me any helpful ideas or tips, i'd appreciate it.
ok great, good to know that i'm not the only idiot who can't get into their computer. Thanks for the tip and I will use this tonight to see if it works.
See if you can find a utility called ERD Commander. It's a bootable disk that has a "locksmith" unility. You can pull the password off of pretty much any windows account. Works on almost everything.
ERD commander is very expensive. ultimate boot cd includes for free a utility that can reset windows passwords, though it is not as user friendly as ERD commander, i think free far outweighs that