windows xp doesn't say specifically that i have usb2.0


Limp Gawd
Jun 16, 2005
Hey there,

I have the asus A8N-E (USB 2.0) motherboard with windows 64bit installed. However in the device manager, it doesnt specifically say USB2.0 like some systems ive seen. It just says USB root hub and USB standard controller.

Am i missing drivers or am i actually running usb2.0?
BillLeeLee said:
Is there something like Enhanced USB host controller in your device manager?

Theres Standard ENhanced PCI to USB Host COntroller, Standard OpenHCD USB HOst COntroller, and 2 USB Root Hub
If you have installed the mobo drivers and such, then you probably have it. nVidia's enhanced USB host controllers show up labeled as 'Standard Controller' in Device Manager.

Still, if you want to make sure, plug a USB 2.0 device in to a slot. If Windows pops up a message saying "Hi Speed USB device plugged into slower USB port" or something, then there's a problem.

If you don't have a USB 2.0 device...well, right now I'm trying to see if my friend's comp shows the same info. I built his A8N-E/XP-64 system for him last week, so I'm gonna ask him to check what device manager says. I know his is running USB 2.0 since I was testing my usb 2.0 reader and devices on it.