Windows XP 64 bit Java issue.


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
I'm a PC tech and pretty savy around XP but I've not played with XP 64 bit yet too much at all. I recently bought a 64 bit XP OS to install on a AMD 64 bit 3200 machine for my wife.

I installed Java

My wife must have accidentally downloaded a file of some sort/spyware/ because the java disappeared from browser (lost integration) I looked in the control panel Add/Remove programs and there were three versions of Java in there.

However there were no icons in the Control Panel for the Java app which is important because the control panel java icon is where you go to integrate the java app into the browser.

I logged in as administrator, removed all three versions and reinstall version, and still there was no control panel icon and no browser integration.

Any ideas? The 64 bit OS isn't all its cracked up to be I don't think...I've exp driver problems with it in various levels mostly with driver and browser support and can't even run any virus checker that I have, including a recently purchased Symatec 2007.
You are aware that there are 32 and 64-bit versions of JAVA. The 32-bit version will not work with IE ion 64 bit and vice versa.
make sure you are not trying to use the 32 bit IE with the 64 bit java.. I have problems with IE x64 and trying to run flash apps that was installed through 32 bit IE... will only work in IE 32 bit etc etc
how much of a hit is there running the amd 64 3200 processor in a 32 bit OS?
Archaea said:
how much of a hit is there running the amd 64 3200 processor in a 32 bit OS?
You should consider asking Dan_D, he has some experience with that.
Archaea said:
how much of a hit is there running the amd 64 3200 processor in a 32 bit OS?
There is no hit. Performance in everyday tasks using 32 bit software is no different between the two. In fact, most people have given up on XP64, since it was really only a proof-of-concept release. I'm not blaming Sun or Microsoft for this problem. However, you don't need XP64 for that processor. XP32 will run just fine, without the driver/app incompatibilities.
you may not notice a difference with XP x64 but i definitely do with maya x64
Imaulle said:
you may not notice a difference with XP x64 but i definitely do with maya x64
That's with a specific application that's written and coded for a 64 bit OS. 99% of all users, even on this forum, don't use applications that make a difference.
djnes said:
even on this forum

lol... more then a few people here talk like they are badass geniuses cuz they got the "Gawd" title.. just a bunch of spammers if you ask me
so no performance hit at all by running 32 bit XP OS?

I know if the application isn't written in 64 bit code then it isn't going to take advantages, but aren't there advantages to the 64 bit OS besides the obvious crash resistance inherent in the design?

I'm not up to speed on the advantages/disadvantages. My understanding is simply that the 64 bit OS runs the 32 bit drivers/memory requests in 32 bit instances "basically" that prevent the 64 bit os from crashing....however...Surely there are more advantages than that?