Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit - Do I buy now?


Limp Gawd
May 29, 2008
I am upgrading my machine to a quad core station. I am currently running Vista 32bit Home and want to upgrade to 64-bit...and ultimate.

Is it worth it to buy it now or wait until Windows 7 comes out?
If you can buy a copy that comes with a free upgrade voucher to Win 7 then yes. If not, then no.

Actually, save yourself the money and run the Win7 public RC release. It's free and sweet.
If you can buy a copy that comes with a free upgrade voucher to Win 7 then yes. If not, then no.

Actually, save yourself the money and run the Win7 public RC release. It's free and sweet.

But are there an abundance of drivers for Win7 yet?
try Windows 7 first, it will work on your rig fine, and sa said, use vista drivers if you cant find 7 drivers and you get to save some money and use a free OS until March 2010 when it will start to not function, but since it is supposed to be out in October....
Only issue is that you won't be able to upgrade from the RC to the final version. If you enjoy formatting all the time that might not be a problem.
you dont need to buy a whole new vista for 64 bit. your 32bit key will work. you can ask MS to send you a vista x64 dvd.
Only issue is that you won't be able to upgrade from the RC to the final version. If you enjoy formatting all the time that might not be a problem.
You can run the Win7 RC until March and then format/install the RTM. That's NINE months from now.
ya, i love the whole "if you dont mind formating all the time", i see it more and more with this Windows 7 RC and going to retail.

a Free OS for nine months, i think it is worth one format.
ya, i love the whole "if you dont mind formating all the time", i see it more and more with this Windows 7 RC and going to retail.

a Free OS for nine months, i think it is worth one format.

QFT. I only have the OS and apps on one hard drive and everything else on the other. When I went from the beta to the RC, it only took me about one hour to reformat, install the OS and reinstall all of my main apps. A free OS for 9 months is worth a reformat at the end. Although I'll probably just go out and get the retail copy in October.

Oh, and Windows 7's driver framework is essentially the same as Vista's, so drivers aren't really a big problem right now at all.

I would wait until Windows 7 64-bit is released as the benefits and features it offers surpasses everything that preceded it. It truly is unbelievably fast, stable and efficient. In the mean time, Windows 7 RC is available for download directly from Microsoft and is FREE through next year. To learn more and help you as you decide, Microsoft does have a site with whitepapers, tutorials, walkthroughs and screen casts on all the “under the hood” features in Win 7. Check out the Springboard site for Windows 7 on TechNet here

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