Windows Vista and UAC + Rivatuner


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2004

Feel free to read the history portion if you want a little frustrating back story, or jump straight to the question on the bottom of my post.

I've built a PC for my coworker's son as a favor, and as you all know, this one favor soon turns into life-time support. Within a year of building this PC, the 13 year old boy has managed to get it virus infested not once, but twice. I refused to touch it the second time, I built the PC, but I'm didn't sign up for life time technical support.

So she brought it to another coworker, supposedly in our IT dept and he replaced the harddrive and got everything working nicely again.. until the little brat killed it again. PC reboots as WindowsXP loads.

So I picked up the PC, and threw Windows Vista + UAC + Firefox + NoScript + Kaspersky 6.0. I think this is the only way to keep this kid from destroying the PC. It's ridiculous the amount of prompts a user gets with all this going on. While I had it, I upgraded his videocard to a GeForce 6800 vanilla and used Rivatuner to unlock it to 16pp/6vp. Only problem is UAC prompts every time I start on the PC.

Any way to get UAC to permanently accept Rivatuner as a startup program?